Items where Author is "Fodor, Ferenc"

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Number of items: 43.


Singh, Amarjeet and Gracheva, Maria and Kovács Kis, Viktória and Keresztes, Áron and Sági-Kazár, Máté and Müller, Brigitta and Pankaczi, Fruzsina and Ahmad, Waqas and Kovács, Krisztina and May, Zoltán and Tolnai, Gyula and Homonnay, Zoltán and Fodor, Ferenc and Klencsár, Zoltán and Solti, Ádám (2023) Apoplast Utilisation of Nanohaematite Initiates Parallel Suppression of RIBA1 and FRO1&3 in Cucumis sativus. NANOIMPACT : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOSAFETY RESEARCH, 29. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2452-0748

Fodor, Ferenc and Kevei, Péter and Vígh, Viktor (2023) On random disc-polygons in a disc-polygon. Electronic Communications in Probability, 28. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1083-589X, ESSN: 1083-589X

Gracheva, Maria and Klencsár, Zoltán and Kovács Kis, Viktória and Béres, Kende Attila and May, Zoltán and Halasy, Viktória and Singh, Amarjeet and Fodor, Ferenc and Solti, Ádám and Kiss, László Ferenc and Tolnai, Gyula and Homonnay, Zoltán and Kovács, Krisztina (2022) Iron Nanoparticles for Plant Nutrition: Synthesis, Transformation, and Utilization by the Roots of Cucumis sativus. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0884-2914 (print); 2044-5326 (online)

Fodor, Ferenc and Grünfelder, Balázs and Vígh, Viktor (2022) Variance bounds for disc-polygons. DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA, 27. pp. 1015-1030. ISSN 1431-0635

Bartha, Ferenc Ágoston and Fodor, Ferenc and González Merino, Bernardo (2021) Central Diagonal Sections of the n-Cube. INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES, 2021 (4). pp. 2861-2881. ISSN 1073-7928

Böröczky, Károly J. and Fodor, Ferenc and Hug, Daniel (2021) Strengthened inequalities for the mean width and the ℓ‐norm. JOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. pp. 1-36. ISSN 0024-6107 (print); 1469-7750 (online)

Nagy, Borbála and Várkonyi, Levente and Fodor, Ferenc and Koltai, Tamás and Bodnár, Ádám and Molnár, József and Láng, Levente Zete and Izsák, Tibor and Staszny, Ádám and Ferincz, Árpád and Birkó-Sulyok, Zita Katalin and Urbányi, Béla and Szári, Zsolt and Bokor, Zoltán and Bernáth, Gergely (2020) A balatoni kősüllő (Sander volgensis, Gmelin, 1788) állomány hímivarsejt minőségének és mélyhűtésének vizsgálata az indukált szaporítás fejlesztése és a génbanki megőrzés céljából. Animal Welfare, Etológia és Tartástechnológia, 16 (2). pp. 163-169. ISSN 1786-8440

Várkonyi, Levente and Bokor, Zoltán and Molnár, József and Fodor, Ferenc and Szári, Zsolt and Ferincz, Árpád and Staszny, Ádám and Láng, Levente Zete and Csorbai, Balázs and Urbányi, Béla and Bernáth, Gergely (2019) The comparison of two different extenders for the improvement of large‐scale sperm cryopreservation in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Reproduction in Domestic Animals. ISSN 0936-6768

Fodor, Ferenc and Böröczky, Károly (Ifj.) (2019) The L_p dual Minkowski problem for p > 1 and q > 0. JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. ISSN 0022-0396

Böröczky, Károly (Ifj.) and Fodor, Ferenc (2019) The L_p dual Minkowski problem for p > 1 and q > 0. JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. ISSN 0022-0396

Fodor, Ferenc and Naszódi, Márton and Zarnócz, Tamás (2019) On the volume bound in the Dvoretzky-Rogers lemma. PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 301 (1). pp. 89-99. ISSN 0030-8730

Böröczky, Károly and Fodor, Ferenc and Hug, Daniel (2019) Strengthened volume inequalities for Lp zonoids of even isotropic measures. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 371. pp. 505-548. ISSN 0002-9947

Fodor, Ferenc and Vígh, Viktor (2018) Variance estimates for random disc-polygons in smooth convex discs. Advances in Applied Probability, 55 (4). ISSN 0001-8678, ESSN: 1475-6064 (In Press)

Lengyel, Attila and Homonnay, Zoltán and Kovács, Krisztina and Klencsár, Z and Németh, S and Szalay, Roland and Kovácsné Kis, Viktória and Fodor, Ferenc and Solti, Ádám (2018) Characterization of nanomagnetites co-precipitated in inert gas atmosphere for plant nutrition. HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS, 239 (1). ISSN 0304-3843

Fodor, Ferenc and Vígh, Viktor (2018) Variance estimates for random disc-polygons in smooth convex discs. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY, 55 (4). pp. 1143-1157. ISSN 0021-9002

Rév, Ambrus and Tóth, Brigitta and Solti, Ádám and Sipos, Gyula and Fodor, Ferenc (2017) Responses of Szarvasi-1 energy grass to sewage sludge treatments in hydroponics. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 118. pp. 627-633. ISSN 0981-9428

Martín-Fernández, Clara and Solti, Ádám and Czech, Viktória and Kovács, Krisztina and Fodor, Ferenc and Gárate, Agustín and Hernández-Apaolaza, Lourdes and Lucena, Juan José (2017) Response of soybean plants to the application of synthetic and biodegradable Fe chelates and Fe complexes. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 118. pp. 579-588. ISSN 0981-9428

Kovács, Krisztina and Pechoušek, Jiří and Machala, Libor and Zbořil, Radek and Klencsár, Zoltán and Solti, Ádám and Tóth, Brigitta and Müller, Brigitta and Pham, Hong Diep and Kristóf, Zoltán and Fodor, Ferenc (2016) Revisiting the iron pools in cucumber roots: identification and localization. PLANTA, 244. pp. 167-179. ISSN 0032-0935

Fodor, Ferenc and Vígh, Viktor and Zarnócz, Tamás (2016) Covering the sphere by equal zones. ACTA MATHEMATICA HUNGARICA, 149 (2). pp. 478-489. ISSN 0236-5294

Solti, Ádám and Kovács, Krisztina and Müller, Brigitta and Vázquez, Saúl and Hamar, Éva and Pham, Hong Diep and Tóth, Brigitta and Abadía, Javier and Fodor, Ferenc (2016) Does a voltage-sensitive outer envelope transport mechanism contribute to the chloroplast iron uptake? PLANTA. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0032-0935 (In Press)

Solti, Ádám and Sárvári, Éva and Tóth, Brigitta and Mészáros, Ilona and Fodor, Ferenc (2016) Incorporation of iron into chloroplasts triggers the restoration of cadmium induced inhibition of photosynthesis. JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 202. pp. 97-106. ISSN 0176-1617

Homonnay, Zoltán and Tolnai, Gyula and Fodor, Ferenc and Solti, Ádám and Kovács, Krisztina and Kuzmann, Erno and Ábrahám, A. and Szabó, E. Gy. and Németh, Péter and Szabó, László and Klencsár, Zoltán (2016) Iron oxide nanoparticles for plant nutrition? A preliminary Mössbauer study. HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS, 237. p. 127. ISSN 0304-3843

Fodor, Ferenc and Vígh, Viktor and Zarnócz, Tamás (2016) On the angle sum of lines. ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK, 106 (1). pp. 91-100. ISSN 0003-889X

Solti, Ádám and Sárvári, Éva and Szöllősi, Erzsébet and Tóth, Brigitta and Mészáros, Ilona and Fodor, Ferenc and Szigeti, Zoltán (2016) Stress hardening under long-term cadmium treatment depends on the activation of antioxidative defence and the iron acquisition of chloroplasts in Populus. ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR NATURFORSCHUNG C - A JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0939-5075 (In Press)

Fejes Tóth, Gábor and Fodor, Ferenc (2015) Dowker-type theorems for hyperconvex discs. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 70 (2). pp. 131-144. ISSN 0031-5303 (print), 1588-2829 (online)

Fejes Tóth, Gábor and Fodor, Ferenc and Vígh, Viktor (2015) The packing density of the n-dimensional cross-polytope. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 54 (1). pp. 182-194. ISSN 0179-5376

Sipos, Gyula and Solti, Ádám and Czech, Viktória and Vashegyi, Ildikó and Tóth, Brigitta and Cseh, Edit and Fodor, Ferenc (2013) Heavy metal accumulation and tolerance of energy grass (Elymus elongatus subsp. ponticus cv. Szarvasi-1) grown in hydroponic culture. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 128 (68). pp. 96-103. ISSN 0981-9428

Sipos, Gyula and Solti, Ádám and Czech, Viktória and Vashegyi, Ildikó and Tóth, Brigitta and Cseh, Edit and Fodor, Ferenc (2013) Heavy metal accumulation and tolerance of energy grass (Elymus elongatus subsp. ponticus cv. Szarvasi-1) grown in hydroponic culture. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 68. pp. 96-103. ISSN 0981-9428

Böröczky, Károly (Ifj.) and Fodor, Ferenc and Hug, Daniel (2013) Intrinsic volumes of random polytopes with vertices on the boundary of a convex body. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 365 (2). pp. 785-809. ISSN 0002-9947

Mód, László and Fodor, Ferenc and Csoma, Zsigmond (2013) Reviews. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 58 (2). pp. 471-478. ISSN 1216-9803

Kerny, Terézia and Frauhammer, Krisztina and Báti, Anikó and N. Szabó, Magdolna and Nagy, Netta and Rimai, Éva and Viga, Gyula and Fodor, Ferenc and Simon, András and Palla, Zsófia and Pusztai, Bertalan and Tomán, Zsóka (2004) Reviews. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 49 (3-4). pp. 441-483. ISSN 1216-9803


Makai, Endre and Bezdek, András and Böröczky, Károly and Fodor, Ferenc and Fejes Tóth, Gábor and Heppes, Aladár and Pach, János and Talata, István and Tóth, Géza and Uhrin, Béla (2011) DISZKRÉT GEOMETRIA = DISCRETE GEOMETRY. Project Report. OTKA.

Fodor, Ferenc and Kovács, Krisztina and Sárvári, Éva (2011) Fémionok homeosztázisa növényekben = Studies on metal homeostasis in plants. Project Report. OTKA.

Juhász, Antal and Fodor, Ferenc and Klamár, Zoltán and Mód, László Balázs and Simon, András (2008) A gazdálkodás változása a 20. században a Délalföldön = The change of the agricultural strategies on South-Hungarian Plain in the 20-th century. Project Report. OTKA.

Sárvári, Éva and Fodor, Ferenc and Gáspár, László and Keresztes, Áron and Király, István and Láng, Ferenc and Mészáros, Ilona and Nyitrai, Péter and Szigeti, Zoltán and Veres, Szilvia (2008) Hazai fafajok fotoszintézisválaszai és fotoprotektív mechanizmusai stresszkörülmények közt = Photosynthetic responses and photoprotective mechanisms of tree species under stress conditions. Project Report. OTKA.

Nagy, Gábor Péter and Fodor, Ferenc (2007) Diszkrét geometria és geometriai algebra = Discrete geometry and geometric algebra. Project Report. OTKA.

Conference or Workshop Item

Pankaczi, Fruzsina and Farkas, Zsuzsanna and Halasy, Viktória and Larsson, Sylva and Pólya, Sára and Müller, Brigitta and Kovács, Krisztina and Klencsár, Zoltán and May, Zoltán and Sándor, Zoltán and Szabó, Ervin Gy. and Szabó, László and Kuzmann, Erno and Homonnay, Zoltán and Tolnai, Gyula and Solti, Ádám and Fodor, Ferenc (2018) Iron uptake from manufactured nanomaterials: obscured mechanism, controversial effect. In: 19th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants, July 9-13, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.

Müller, Brigitta and Pham, Hong Diep and Kovács, Krisztina and Kavak, Yusuf and Gyuris, Balázs and Sági-Kazár, Máté and Soós, Viktória and Ahmad, Waqas and Zelenyánszki, Helga and Szenthe, Kálmán and Fodor, Ferenc and Solti, Ádám (2018) Iron uptake machinery of chloroplasts tends to utilise stoichiometric ferric-citrate complexes in Brassica napus. In: 19th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

Halasy, Viktória and Kovács, Krisztina and Klencsár, Zoltán and Homonnay, Zoltán and Fodor, Ferenc and Tamás, László and Solti, Ádám and Pólya, Sára (2018) Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of the utilization of an iron-containing nanomaterial by a dicot model plant. In: Fiatal Biotechnológusok Országos Konferenciája „FIBOK 2018”, Budapest, Hungay.

Pham, Hong Diep and Müller, Brigitta and Pólya, Sára and Fodor, Ferenc and Solti, Ádám (2016) Alteration in the expression of chloroplast iron transport related proteins PIC1 and NiCo under different Fe supply conditions. In: 18th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants, 2016. május 30 - június 3., Madrid, Spanyolország.

Müller, Brigitta and Pham, Hong Diep and Szenthe, Kálmán and Hamar, Éva and Kovács, Krisztina and Sárvári, Éva and Fodor, Ferenc and Solti, Ádám (2016) Mechanism and regulation of chloroplast iron uptake. In: 18th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants, 2016. május 30 - június 3., Madrid, Spanyolország.

Müller, Brigitta and Kotán, Barbara and Liu, Kehui and Wu, Huilan and Fodor, Ferenc and Ling, Hong-Qing and Solti, Ádám (2016) Proteom analysis of chloroplast iner envelope: A combined in vitro and in silico assay in Brassica napus. In: 18th Internationaly Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants, 2016. május 30 - június 3., Madrid, Spanyolország.

Müller, Brigitta and Solti, Ádám and Fodor, Ferenc (2016) The chemical forms of Fe used as in vivo substrate in uptake process of chloroplast and enzymatic characteristics of cFRO. In: EPSO/FESPB 2016 Congress, 2016. június 26-30., Prága, Csehország.

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