Items where Author is "Gere, Attila"

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Number of items: 42.


Zulkarnain, Abdul Hannan Bin and Moskowitz, Howard R. and Kókai, Zoltán and Gere, Attila (2024) Enhancing consumer sensory science approach through augmented virtuality. CURRENT RESEARCH IN FOOD SCIENCE, 9. No.-100834. ISSN 2665-9271

Zulkarnain, Abdul Hannan Bin and Kókai, Zoltán and Gere, Attila (2024) Immersive sensory evaluation: Practical use of virtual reality sensory booth. METHODSX, 12. No.-102631. ISSN 2215-0161

Zulkarnain, Abdul Hannan Bin and Kókai, Zoltán and Gere, Attila (2024) Assessment of a virtual sensory laboratory for consumer sensory evaluations. HELIYON, 10 (3). No.-e25498. ISSN 2405-8440

Zulkarnain, Abdul Hannan Bin and Cao, Xu and Kókai, Zoltán and Gere, Attila (2024) Self-Assessed Experience of Emotional Involvement in Sensory Analysis Performed in Virtual Reality. FOODS, 13 (3). ISSN 2304-8158

Zulkarnain, Abdul Hannan Bin and Radványi, Dalma and Szakál, Dorina and Kókai, Zoltán and Gere, Attila (2024) Unveiling aromas: Virtual reality and scent identification for sensory analysis. CURRENT RESEARCH IN FOOD SCIENCE, 8. No.-100698. ISSN 2665-9271

Szakál, Dorina and Cao, Xu and Fehér, Orsolya and Gere, Attila (2023) How do ethnically congruent music and meal drive food choices? CURRENT RESEARCH IN FOOD SCIENCE, 6. No. 100508. ISSN 2665-9271

Gabay, Gillie and Gere, Attila and Zemel, Glenn and Moskowitz, Howard (2023) Personalized Communication with Patients at the Emergency Department—An Experimental Design Study. JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE, 12. No. 1542. ISSN 2075-4426

Gere, Attila (2023) Recommendations for validating hierarchical clustering in consumer sensory projects. CURRENT RESEARCH IN FOOD SCIENCE, 6. No. 100522. ISSN 2665-9271

Benes, Eszter and Biró, Barbra and Fodor, Marietta and Gere, Attila (2022) Analysis of wheat flour-insect powder mixtures based on their near infrared spectra. Food Chemistry: X. ISSN 2590-1575

Szakál, Dorina and Fehér, Orsolya and Radványi, Dalma and Gere, Attila (2022) Effect of Scents on Gazing Behavior and Choice. APPLIED SCIENCES. ISSN 2076-3417

Gere, Attila and Szakál, Dorina and Héberger, Károly (2022) Multiobject Optimization of National Football League Drafts: Comparison of Teams and Experts. APPLIED SCIENCES. ISSN 2076-3417

Biró, Barbara and Koren, Dániel and Lichthammer, Adrienn and Veresné Bálint, Márta and Gere, Attila and Kókai, Zoltán (2022) Relationships amongst phenyltiocarbamide sensitivity, body composition, coffee and tea consumption. ÉLELMISZERVIZSGÁLATI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 68 (2). pp. 3855-3865. ISSN 0422-9576

Ho, Isaac and Gere, Attila and Chy, Charles and Lammert, Amy (2022) Use of Preference Analysis to Identify Early Adopter Mind-Sets of Insect-Based Food Products. SUSTAINABILITY. ISSN 2071-1050

Biró, Barbara and Koren, Dániel and Lichthammer, Adrienn and Veresné Bálint, Márta and Gere, Attila and Kókai, Zoltán (2022) A feniltiokarbamid érzékenység összefüggései a testösszetétellel, valamint a kávé- és teafogyasztással. ÉLELMISZERVIZSGÁLATI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 68 (2). pp. 3844-3854. ISSN 0422-9576

Sipos, László and Gere, Attila and Kókai, Zoltán and Nyitrai, Ákos and Kovács, Sándor and Urbin, Ágnes and Samu, Krisztián and Wenzel, Klára (2021) Eye-Tracker Analysis of the Contrast Sensitivity of Anomalous and Normal Trichromats: A Loglinear Examination with Landolt-C Figures. APPLIED SCIENCES, 11 (7). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2076-3417

Gere, Attila and Héberger, Károly and Kovács, Sándor (2021) How to predict choice using eye-movements data? FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 143. ISSN 0963-9969

Biró, Barbara and Gere, Attila (2021) Adaptation of the food choice questionnaire – Digitalization of the word association method. PROGRESS IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 17 (S1). pp. 9-18. ISSN 1786-335X

Gere, Attila and Bajusz, Dávid and Biró, Barbara and Rácz, Anita (2021) Discrimination Ability of Assessors in Check-All-That-Apply Tests: Method and Product Development. FOODS, 10 (5). ISSN 2304-8158

Radványi, Dalma and Szelényi, Magdolna Olívia and Gere, Attila and Molnár, Béla Péter (2021) From Sampling to Analysis: How to Achieve the Best Sample Throughput via Sampling Optimization and Relevant Compound Analysis Using Sum of Ranking Differences Method? FOODS. ISSN 2304-8158

Gere, Attila and Rácz, Anita and Bajusz, Dávid and Héberger, Károly (2021) Multicriteria decision making for evergreen problems in food science by sum of ranking differences. FOOD CHEMISTRY, 344. No.-128617. ISSN 0308-8146

Gabay, Gillie and Gere, Attila and Fehér, Orsolya and Bellissimo, Nick and Moskowitz, Howard (2021) Rapid discovery of optimal messages for behavioral intervention: the case of Hungary and Covid-19. HELIYON. ISSN 2405-8440

Gere, Attila and Bin Zulkarnain, Abdul Hannan and Szakál, Dorina and Fehér, Orsolya and Kókai, Zoltán (2021) Virtual reality applications in food science. Current knowledge and prospects. PROGRESS IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 17 (1). pp. 3-14. ISSN 1786-335X

Benes, Eszter and Fodor, Marietta and Kovács, Sándor and Gere, Attila (2020) Application of Detrended Fluctuation Analysis and Yield Stability Index to Evaluate Near Infrared Spectra of Green and Roasted Coffee Samples. PROCESSES, 8 (8). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2227-9717

Benedek, Csilla and Bodor, Zsanett and Merrill, Vanda Tímea and Kókai, Zoltán and Gere, Attila and Kovács, Zoltán and Dalmadi, István and Abrankó, László (2020) Effect of sweeteners and storage on compositional and sensory properties of blackberry jams. EUROPEAN FOOD RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, 246. pp. 2187-2204. ISSN 1438-2377 (print); 1438-2385 (online)

Stamenković, Zoran and Radojčin, Milivoj and Pavkov, Ivan and Bikić, Siniša and Ponjičan, Ondrej and Kovács, Sándor and Gere, Attila (2020) Ranking and multicriteria decision making in optimization of raspberry convective drying processes. JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS, 34 (4). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0886-9383 (print); 1099-128X (online)

Gere, Attila and Danner, Lukas and Dürrschmid, Klaus and Kókai, Zoltán and Sipos, László and Huzsvai, László and Kovács, Sándor (2020) Structure of presented stimuli influences gazing behavior and choice. FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE, 83. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0950-3293

Csambalik, László and Gál, Izóra and Sipos, László and Gere, Attila and Koren, Dániel and Bíró, Barbara and Divéky-Ertsey, Anna (2019) Evaluation of processing type tomato plant genetic resources (Solanum lycopersicum L.) for their nutritional properties in different environments. Plant Genetic Resources, 17 (6). pp. 488-498. ISSN 1479-2621 (print); 1479-263X (online)

Gere, Attila and Székely, Richárd and Kókai, Zoltán and Sipos, László (2019) Az értékalapú szegmentáció és az élelmiszer-választás közbeni szem-mozgás közötti összefüggések: Esettanulmány kenyerekkel. Correlations between value-based segmentation and eye movements during a food choice task: Case study with breads. ÉLELMISZERVIZSGÁLATI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 65 (3). pp. 2556-2570. ISSN 0422-9576

Gere, Attila and Radványi, Dalma and Héberger, Károly (2019) Which insect species can best be proposed for human consumption? INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, 52. pp. 358-367. ISSN 1466-8564

Nyitrai, Ákos and Gere, Attila and Sipos, László (2018) Mesterséges neurális hálózatok élelmiszertudományi alkalmazásai és nemzetközi trendjei Food science applications and international trends of artificial neural networks. ÉLELMISZERVIZSGÁLATI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 64 (3). pp. 2140-2163. ISSN 0422-9576

Gere, Attila and Kovács, Sándor and Sipos, László (2018) Spectral clustering in eye-movement researches. JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS, 32 (4). e3003. ISSN 0886-9383

Sipos, László and Gere, Attila and Popp, József and Kovács, Sándor (2018) A novel ranking distance measure combining Cayley and Spearman footrule metrics. JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS, 32 (4). e3011. ISSN 0886-9383

Sipos, László and Kovács, Sándor and Nagygyörgy, László and Lázár, János and Gere, Attila and Kókai, Zoltán (2018) VILMOSKÖRTE PÁRLATOK GÁZKROMATOGRÁFIÁS ÉS ÉRZÉKSZERVI PROFILANALITIKUS EREDMÉNYEINEK ELEMZÉSE EGY- ÉS TÖBBVÁLTOZÓS STATISZTIKAI MÓDSZEREKKEL. Jelenkori társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatok, 12 (3). pp. 179-186. ISSN 1788-7593

Sipos, László and Losó, Viktor and Nyitrai, Ákos and Kókai, Zoltán and Gere, Attila (2017) Érzékszervi kedveltség predikciója mesterséges neurális hálózatokkal, fagyasztott csemegekukorica-fajták példáján bemutatva Prediction of sensory preference by artificial neural networks, using sweet corn varieties as an example. ÉLELMISZERVIZSGÁLATI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 63 (4). pp. 1740-1757. ISSN 0422-9576

Sipos, László and Ladányi, Márta and Gere, Attila and Kókai, Zoltán and Kovács, Sándor (2017) Panel performance monitoring by Poincaré plot: A case study on flavoured bottled waters. Food Research International, 99. pp. 198-205. ISSN 09639969

Gere, Attila and Zemel, Ryan and Radványi, Dalma and Moskowitz, Howard (2017) Insect Based Foods a Nutritional Point of View. NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 4 (3). ISSN 2474-767X

Sipos, László and Gere, Attila and Kókai, Zoltán and Kovács, Sándor and Ladányi, Márta (2017) Predikciós statisztikai módszerek az ásványvízfogyasztás előrejelzésében. Jelenkori társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatok, 12 (3). pp. 171-178. ISSN 1788-7593

Gere, Attila and Sipos, László and Kovács, Sándor and Kókai, Zoltán and Héberger, Károly (2017) Which Just-About-Right feature should be changed if evaluations deviate? A case study using sum of ranking differences. CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS, 1 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0169-7439

Gere, Attila and Sipos, László and Héberger, Károly (2015) Generalized Pairwise Correlation and method comparison: Impact assessment for JAR attributes on overall liking. FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE, 43. pp. 88-96. ISSN 0950-3293

Book Section

Gere, Attila and Kókai, Zoltán (2024) Wine Descriptive Sensory Profiling. In: Wine Analysis and Testing Techniques. Springer US, New York, NY, pp. 145-169.

Gere, Attila and Bellissimo, Nick and Harizi, Ariola and Roberts, Derek and Moskowitz, Howard (2023) Non-Meat Analogs—A Mind Genomics Cartography of their perceived health benefits. In: Rapid Sensory Profiling Techniques. Woodhead Publishing.

Gere, Attila and Biró, Barbara and Radványi, Dalma and Zemel, Ryan and Papajorgji, Petraq and Moskowitz, Howard (2023) Sensory Analysis and Consumer Mind-Sets and Emotions for Dairy Products. In: Sensory Profiling of Dairy Products. Wiley. ISBN 9781119619215; 9781119619383

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