Items where Author is "Horváth, Zsófia"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 32. Horváth, Zsófia and Mucsi, Zoltán and Cseri, Levente (2024) Synthetic development of voltage sensitive dyes for two-photon voltage imaging. In: Fluorescence markers for advanced microscopy From photophysics to biology – 2024, 17-22 Mar 2024, Les Houches, France. Cseri, Levente and Horváth, Zsófia and Lányi, Réka and Ócsai, Katalin and Chiovini, Balázs and Kiss, Viktória and Mezriczky, Zsolt and Mihály, Anna and Mucsi, Zoltán and Rózsa, J. Balázs (2024) Acousto voltage imaging with voltage sensitive dyes and genetically encoded sensors. In: International Neuroscience Conference 2024, 25-26 Jan 2024, Pécs, Hungary. Horváth, Zsófia and Neszveda, Gábor (2024) Új szempont a magyar felsőoktatási intézmények teljesítményének mérésében – az egyetemek online láthatósága. KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE, 71 (7-8). pp. 755-790. ISSN 0023-4346 Gulyás, Zalán and Kerecsen, Gábor and Tóth-Zsámboki, Emese and Horváth, Zsófia and Kiss, Róbert Gábor and Duray, Gábor Zoltán (2024) A transzkatéteres aortabillentyűbeültetés bővülő indikációs köre és az aortabillentyű-stenosis hosszú távú kezelésének stratégiai szempontjai. CARDIOLOGIA HUNGARICA, 54 (5). pp. 369-377. ISSN 0133-5596 Horváth, Zsófia and Lányi, Réka and Mucsi, Zoltán and Cseri, Levente (2023) Molecular probes with extended conjugation for the monitoring of neuron membrane potential. In: Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems International Conference – S3IC 2023, 22-24 Nov 2023, Barcelona, Spain. Márton, Zsuzsanna and Szabó, Beáta and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Pálffy, Károly and Horváth, Zsófia (2023) Environmental changes associated with drying climate are expected to affect functional groups of pro- and microeukaryotes differently in temporary saline waters. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13 (1). No.-13243. ISSN 2045-2322 Lukić, Dunja and Pormehr, Navid and Beladjal, Lynda and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Ptacnik, Robert and Horváth, Zsófia (2023) Life-history omnivory in the fairy shrimp Branchinecta orientalis (Branchiopoda: Anostraca). HYDROBIOLOGIA, 850. pp. 901-909. ISSN 0018-8158 Guzman, Laura Melissa and Thompson, Patrick L. and Viana, Duarte S. and Vanschoenwinkel Bram, Bram and Horváth, Zsófia and Ptacnik, Robert and Jeliazkov, Alienor and Gascón, Stéphanie and Lemmens, Pieter and Anton-Pardo, Maria and Langenheder, Silke and De Meester, Luc and Chase, Jonathan M. (2022) Accounting for temporal change in multiple biodiversity patterns improves the inference of metacommunity processes. ECOLOGY, 103 (6). No-e3683. ISSN 0012-9658 Cunillera Montcusí, David and Beklioğlu, Meryem and Cañedo-Argüelles, Miguel and Jeppesen, Erik and Ptacnik, Robert and Horváth, Zsófia and Amorim, Cihelio A. and Arnott, Shelley E. and Berger, Stella A. and Brucet, Sandra and Dugan, Hilary A. and Gerhard, Miriam and Horváth, Zsófia and Langenheder, Silke and Nejstgaard, Jens C. and Reinikainen, Marko and Striebel, Maren and Urrutia-Cordero, Pablo and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Zadereev, Egor and Matias, Miguel (2022) Freshwater salinisation: a research agenda for a saltier world. TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 37 (5). pp. 440-453. ISSN 0169-5347 Szabó, Beáta and Szabó, Attila and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Boros, Emil and Lukić, Dunja and Márton, Zsuzsanna and Ptacnik, Robert and Márton, Zsuzsanna and Horváth, Zsófia (2022) Microbial stowaways: Waterbirds as dispersal vectors of aquatic pro‐ and microeukaryotic communities. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, 49 (7). pp. 1286-1298. ISSN 0305-0270 Lukić, Dunja and Pinceel, Tom and Marrone, Federico and Mioduchowska, Monika and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Brendonck, Luc and Ptacnik, Robert and Horváth, Zsófia (2021) Pleistocene allopatric differentiation followed by recent range expansion explains the distribution and molecular diversity of two congeneric crustacean species in the Palaearctic. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11 (1). No-22866. ISSN 2045-2322 Zrubka, Zsombor and Kincses, Áron and Gilyán, Csaba and Huber, Anikó and Horváth, Zsófia and Huszák, Loretta and Tóth, Barbara and Pogány, Petra and Gulácsi, László (2021) A biotechnológia hazánkban. STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE, 99 (6). pp. 512-540. ISSN 0039-0690 Horváth, Zsófia and Ptacnik, Robert and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Chase, Jonathan M. (2019) Habitat loss over six decades accelerates regional and local biodiversity loss via changing landscape connectance. ECOLOGY LETTERS, 22 (6). pp. 1019-1027. ISSN 1461-023X Abonyi, András and Horváth, Zsófia and Ptacnik, Robert (2018) Functional richness outperforms taxonomic richness in predicting ecosystem functioning in natural phytoplankton communities. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, 63 (2). pp. 178-186. ISSN 0046-5070 Boros, Emil and V.-Balogh, Katalin and Vörös, Lajos and Horváth, Zsófia (2017) Multiple extreme environmental conditions of intermittent soda pans in the Carpathian Basin (Central Europe). Limnologica, 62. pp. 38-46. ISSN 0075-9511 Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Péntek, Attila L. and Cozma, Nastasia Julianna and Földi, Angéla and Tóth, Adrienn and Tóth, Bence and Móra, Arnold and Ács, Éva and Zsuga, Katalin and Horváth, Zsófia (2017) Wartime scars or reservoirs of biodiversity? The value of bomb crater ponds in aquatic conservation. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 209. pp. 253-262. ISSN 0006-3207 Horváth, Zsófia and Szentesi, Ibolya (2017) A tudatos otthonteremtés a fiatal felnőttek szempontjából = Independent Living Facilities for Hungarian Young Adults. GRADUS, 4 (2). pp. 522-527. ISSN 2064-8014 Horváth, Zsófia and Csuka, Dorottya and Vargova, Katarina and Kovács, Andrea and Lee, Sarolta and Varga, Lilian and Prohászka, Zoltán and Kiss, Róbert Gábor and Préda, István and Tóth Zsámboki, Emese (2016) Alternative complement pathway activation during invasive coronary procedures in acute myocardial infarction and stable angina pectoris. CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA, 463. pp. 138-144. ISSN 0009-8981 Horváth, Zsófia and Csuka, Dorottya and Vargova, Katarina and Lee, S. and Varga, Lilian and Prohászka, Zoltán and Kiss, Róbert Gábor (2016) Association of low ficolin-lectin pathway parameters with Cardiac Syndrome X. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 84 (3). pp. 174-181. ISSN 0300-9475, ESSN: 1365-3083 Ferincz, Árpád and Horváth, Zsófia and Staszny, Ádám and Ács, András and Kováts, Nóra and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and csaba, Judit and Paulovits, Gábor (2016) Desiccation frequency drives local invasions of non-native gibel carp(Carassius gibelio) in the catchment of a large, shallow lake(Lake Balaton, Hungary). FISHERIES RESEARCH, 173 (1). pp. 37-44. ISSN 0165-7836 Péntek, Attila L. and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Zsuga, Katalin and Horváth, Zsófia (2016) Metacommunity dynamics of amphibians in years with differing rainfall. Aquatic Ecology. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1386-2588 (print), 1573-5125 (online) Duleba, Mónika and Luc, Ector and Horváth, Zsófia and Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Molnár, Levente Farkas and Pohner, Zsuzsanna and Tóth, Bence and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Várbíró, Gábor and Ács, Éva (2014) Biogeography and Phylogenetic Position of a Warm-stenotherm Centric Diatom, Skeletonema potamos (C.I. Weber) Hasle and its Long-term Dynamics in the River Danube. PROTIST, 165 (5). pp. 715-729. ISSN 1434-4610 Boros, Emil and Horváth, Zsófia and Wolfram, G. and Vörös, Lajos (2014) Salinity and ionic composition of the shallow astatic soda pans in the Carpathian Basin. ANNALES DE LIMNOLOGIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY, 50 (1). pp. 59-69. ISSN 0003-4088 Tóth, Adrienn and Horváth, Zsófia and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Zsuga, Katalin and Nagy, Sándor Alex and Boros, Emil (2014) Zooplankton of the European soda pans: fauna and conservation of a unique habitat type. International Review of Hydrobiology, 99 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1434-2944 (print), 1522-2632 (online) Horváth, Zsófia and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Vörös, Lajos and Boros, Emil (2013) Distribution and conservation status of fairy shrimps (Crustacea: Anostraca) in the astatic soda pans of the Carpathian basin: the role of local and spatial factors. Journal of Limnology, 72 (1). ISSN 1129-5767 Horváth, Zsófia and Vad, Csaba F. and Tóth, Adrienn and Zsuga, Katalin and Boros, Emil and Vörös, Lajos and Ptacnik, Robert (2013) Opposing patterns of zooplankton diversity and functioning along a natural stress gradient: when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Oikos, 123 (4). pp. 461-471. ISSN 00301299 (Unpublished) Péntek, Attila L. and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Horváth, Zsófia (2013) A Tolna-Baranyai-dombvidék és a Kelet-Mecsek vizeinek kétéltű-faunisztikai vizsgálata. NATURA SOMOGYIENSIS (23). pp. 255-262. ISSN 1587-1908 (print); 2062-9990 (online) Vad, Csaba F. and Horváth, Zsófia and Kiss, Keve T. and Tóth, Bence and Péntek, Attila L. and Ács, Éva (2013) Vertical distribution of zooplankton in a shallow peatland pond: the limiting role of dissolved oxygen. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology, 49 (4). pp. 275-285. ISSN 0003-4088 Kiss, Keve Tihamér and Vad, Csaba Ferenc and Horváth, Zsófia and Tóth, Bence and Földi, Angéla and Barreto, Sára and Szilasy, Zsuzsanna and Ács, Éva (2013) A fitoplankton és a fitobentosz diverzitása az ócsai Öreg-turján néhány vízterében. In: XXXI. Országos Vándorgyűlés : Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság, 2013.07.03-2013.07.05., Gödöllő. Horváth, Zsófia and Vad, Csaba F. and Vörös, Lajos and Boros, Emil (2012) The keystone role of anostracans and copepods in European soda pans during the spring migration of waterbirds. Freshwater Biology, 58 (2). pp. 430-440. ISSN 00465070 Horváth, Zsófia (2012) A serdülők énképösszetevőinek vizsgálata kisebbségi és többségi helyzetben élő diákok körében. Iskolakultúra, 12 (7-8). pp. 20-34. ISSN 1215-5233 Horváth, Zsófia and Móra, Arnold and Ambrus, A. and Szövényi, Gergely and Andrikovics, S. (2009) Makrogerinctelen-együttesek tér- és időbeli változásai a hansági Nyirkai-Hany élőhely-rekonstrukciós területen. ACTA BIOLOGICA DEBRECINA-SUPPLEMENTUM OECOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 20. pp. 115-126. ISSN 0236-8684 |