Items where Author is "Jármai, K."

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Number of items: 73.


Virág, Z. and Jármai, K. (2016) Effects of material quality and span length on the optimum design of non-standard sized above-ground pipelines. ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PETROSANI: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. pp. 499-502. ISSN 1454-9166

Kota, L. and Jármai, K. (2015) Mathematical modeling of multiple tour multiple traveling salesman problem using evolutionary programming. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, 39 (12). pp. 3410-3433. ISSN 0307-904X

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2012) Volume and cost minimization of a tubular truss with displacement-constraint. ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, 15 (10). pp. 1729-1737. ISSN 1369-4332

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. and Orbán, F. (2008) Cost minimization of a ring-stiffened conical shell loaded by external pressure. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 52 (5-6). pp. 110-115. ISSN 0043-2288

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. (2008) Optimum design of welded stiffened plate structure for a fixed storage tank roof. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 52. pp. 137-142. ISSN 0043-2288

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2007) Economic orthogonally welded stiffening of a uniaxially compressed steel plate. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 51 (7-8). pp. 74-78. ISSN 0043-2288

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Kurobane, Y. (2006) Optimum seismic design of a multi-storey steel frame. ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, 28 (3). pp. 1038-1048. ISSN 0141-0296

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Uys, P. (2004) Optimum design and cost calculation of a simple frame with welded or bolted corner joints. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 48 (1-2). pp. 42-49. ISSN 0043-2288

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. and Virág, Z. (2004) Optimum design of a belt-conveyor bridge constructed as a welded ring-stiffened cylindrical shell. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 48 (1-2). pp. 37-41. ISSN 0043-2288

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. and Visser-Uys, P. (2003) Cost comparison of bolted and welded frame joints. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 47 (1-2). pp. 12-18. ISSN 0043-2288

Uys, P. E and Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. (2003) Optimal design of a hoist structure frame. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, 27 (12). pp. 963-982. ISSN 0307-904X

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2001) Minimum cost design of a bunker constructed from welded stiffened plates. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 45 (1-2). pp. 32-39. ISSN 0043-2288

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. and Dúl, R. (2001) Minimum cost design of a truck floor welded from aluminium-alloy profiles. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 45 (9-10). pp. 19-22. ISSN 0043-2288

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Major, L. (2001) Minimum cost design of a welded punch press for light industry. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 45 (1-2). pp. 40-45. ISSN 0043-2288

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Visser-Uys, P. (2001) Minimum cost design of welded tubular frames for a special truck. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 45 (9-10). pp. 14-18. ISSN 0043-2288

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Haagensen, P. J. (2000) Effect of post-welding treatments on the optimum fatigue design of welded I-beams. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 44 (2). pp. 56-59. ISSN 0043-2288

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2000) Minimum cost design and comparison of uniaxially compressed plates with welded flat, L- and trapezoidal stiffeners. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 44 (4). pp. 47-51. ISSN 0043-2288

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2000) Optimum design of welded stiffened plates loaded by hydrostatic normal pressure. STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION, 20. pp. 311-316. ISSN 0934-4373

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. (2000) Új eredmények a hegesztett szerkezetek tervezése területén. GÉP, 51 (7). pp. 79-81. ISSN 0016-8572

Farkas, J. and Sakino, Y. and Jármai, K. and Horikawa, K. (1999) Hegesztett kapcsolatok rideg törése földrengés hatására. GÉP, 50 (1). pp. 26-34. ISSN 0016-8572

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (1999) Optimum design of a stiffened conical roof considering the residual welding distortions. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 43 (5). pp. 54-59. ISSN 0043-2288

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Horikawa, K. (1998) Economic design of steel bridge decks. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 41 (1). pp. 49-59. ISSN 0043-2288

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (1995) Multiobjective optimal design of welded box beams. MICROCOMPUTERS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, 10 (4). pp. 249-255. ISSN 0885-9507

Jármai, K. (1990) Design of economic stiffened box girders, experiments for the local buckling interaction. PUBLICATIONS OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY FOR HEAVY INDUSTRY SERIES C-MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 43. pp. 107-126. ISSN 0237-6016

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (1982) Structural synthesis of sandwich beams with outer layers of box-section. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 84 (1). pp. 47-56. ISSN 0022-460X

Book Section

Jármai, K. and Virág, Z. (2017) Innovative design of stiffened plates and columns, an overview. In: 7th International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering, COMEC 2017. Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, pp. 4-9.

Virág, Z. and Jármai, K. (2013) Optimum design of transportation tube elements. In: Design, Fabrication and Economy of Metal Structures. Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg, pp. 85-90. ISBN 978-3-642-36690-1

Dúl, R. and Palotás, Á. B. and Jármai, K. (2011) Heat Exchanger Optimization for Domestic Fireplaces via Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH 2011. Jaroměř, Bratislava, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9788090450264; 8090450261

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2011) Volume and cost minimization of a displacement-constrained tubular truss. In: 12th ICMS 2011, Progress in Steel and Composite Structures. Wroclaw University of Technology, Wrocław, pp. 222-231. ISBN 978-83-7125-202-0

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Simőes, L. C. (2003) Minimum cost design of uniaxially compressed plates with welded trapezoidal stiffeners considering a reliability constraint. In: Metal structures: design, fabrication, economy. Millpress Science Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 209-216. ISBN 978 90 77017 75 3

Virág, Z. and Jármai, K. (2003) Parametric studies of uniaxially compressed and laterally loaded stiffened plates for minimum cost. In: Metal structures: design, fabrication, economy. Millpress Science Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 237-242. ISBN 978 90 77017 75 3

Jármai, K. and Farkasa, J. and Virág, Z. (2002) Cost minimization of longitudinally stiffened plates loaded by uniaxial compression and lateral pressure. In: Stability and ductility of steel structures, professor Ottó Halász memorial session. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 481-488. ISBN 963-05-7950-2

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Gondos, Gy. (2002) Hegesztett I-szelvényű keretek optimálása különböző algoritmusokkal. In: 40th Anniversary of Pollack Mihály College of Engineering. Pécsi Tudományegyetem Pollack Mihály Műszaki Főiskolai Kar, Pécs, pp. 521-534. ISBN 9636418810; 963641882-9

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Simőes, L. C. and Virág, Z. (2002) Minimum cost design of longitudinally stiffened welded steel plates loaded by eccentric compression. In: Proceedings of Third European Conference on Steel Structures. Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, pp. 533-540. ISBN 9729837635

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2001) Height optimization of a triangular CHS truss using an improved cost function. In: 9th International Symposium on Tubular Structures. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 429-435. ISBN 90-5809-191-0

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. (2000) New results in the design of welded structures. In: 3rd GTE/MHtE/DVS International Conference on Welding. COKOM Mérnökiroda Kft., Budapest, pp. 337-347. ISBN 963003302X

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. (2000) Optimum cost design of compression columns of welded I-section and comparison with rolled profiles. In: Computational Steel Structures Technology: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, pp. 119-129. ISBN 0-948749-72-5

Jármai, K. (1999) Topology optimization of tubular structures. In: Mechanics and design of tubular structures. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (394). Springer-Verlag, Wien, pp. 225-283. ISBN 978-3-211-83145-8

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Liszkai, T. (1998) Optimum design and comparison of hollow flange beams. In: 8th International Symposium on Tubular Structures. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 399-407. ISBN 90 5809 001 9

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (1998) Optimum design of a statically indeterminate tubular truss. In: 8th International Symposium on Tubular Structures. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 481-488. ISBN 90 5809 001 9

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. (1998) Results and trends in the field of structural optimization. In: GÉPÉSZET '98. Springer Hungarica Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 367-371. ISBN 963-699-078-6

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (1997) Backtrack method with applications to DSO. In: Discrete Structural Optimization. Courses and lectures / International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (373). Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 167-232. ISBN 3-211-82901-6

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (1996) Fatigue constraints in the optimum design of welded structures. In: International Conference on Fatigue of Welded Components and Structures. Les Editions de Physique, Les Ulis, pp. 49-56. ISBN 2-86883-278-4

Kmet, S. and Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (1996) Optimization of tubular columns prestressed by tension ties. In: Tubular structures VII. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 475-481. ISBN 9054108282; 9789054108283

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. (1996) Optimum design and imperfection sensitivity of concentrically compressed CHS and SHS aluminium struts. In: Tubular structures VII. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 469-474. ISBN 9054108282; 9789054108283

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Mészáros, L. (1996) Optimum design of main girders of overhead travelling cranes using an expert system. In: The First World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Pergamon Press; Elsevier Science, Oxford, pp. 939-944. ISBN 0 08 042267 5

Bakk, N. and Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (1996) Static and dynamic tests on aluminium square hollow section members combined with fiber reinforced plastic and rubber layers. In: Tubular structures VII. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 373-379. ISBN 9054108282; 9789054108283

Jármai, K. (1988) Decision support system for design of steel structures on personal computer. In: Proceedings of ICED 88, International Conference on Engineering Design. Gépipari Tudományos Egyesület (GTE), Budapest, pp. 262-268. ISBN 963-8093-24-2

Conference or Workshop Item

Gălățeanu, T. F. and Chircan, E. and Asztalos, Z. and Gálfi, B. P. and Száva, I. and Bencs, P. and Jármai, K. and Száva, R. I. and Munteanu, V. (2022) Modern Dimensional Analysis Involved in Engineering Problems. In: The 9th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials Engineering (COMAT 2022), 2022. október 17. - 2022. október 18., Braşov, Romania.

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. (2016) Welded cellular shells can solve fabrication problems. In: 69th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, International Conference, 2016.07.15-2016.07.16, Melbourne.

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. (2012) Comparison of optimized tubular trusses with N-and rhombic bracing. In: Civil engineering and buildings International Scientific Conference, CIBv 2012, 2012.11.01-2012.11.02, Brasov.

Jármai, K. (2006) Design of economic steel structures. In: IX Suomen Mekaniikkapäiville, Finnish Mechanics Days, Technical University of Lappeenranta, 2006.06.13-2006.06.14, Lappeenranta.

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2006) Economic orthogonally welded stiffening of a uniaxially compressed steel plate. In: IIW Congress, 2006.03.08.-2006.03.10., Stellenbosch.

Farkasa, J. and Jármai, K. (2006) Optimum design and cost comparison of a welded plate stiffened on one side and a cellular plate both loaded by uniaxial compression. In: 59th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, 2006.08.27-2006.09.02, Quebec.

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2006) Seismic resistant optimum design of a welded steel frame supporting a pressure vessel. In: ICMS, 2006.06.21-2006.06.23, Rzeszów.

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2006) Special cases of the calculation of residual welding distortions. In: IIW Congress, 2006.03.08-2006.03.10., Stellenbosch.

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2004) Minimum cost design of a column-supported oil pipeline strengthened by a tubular truss. In: The Second International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 2004.07.05-2004.07.07, Cape Town.

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. and Uys, P. E and van Tonder, F. (2004) Optimization of a wind turbine tower structure. In: The Second International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 2004.07.05-2004.07.07, Cape Town.

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (2004) Optimum design of a welded stringer-stiffened steel cylindrical shell subject to axial compression and bending. In: 57th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, 2004.07.12-2004.07.16, Osaka.

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Uys, P. (2003) Optimum design and cost calculation of a simple frame with welded or bolted corner joints. In: 56th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, 2003.07.06-2003.07.10, Bukarest.

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. and Virág, Z. (2003) Optimum design of a belt-conveyor bridge constructed as a welded ring-stiffened cylindrical shell. In: 56th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, 2003.07.06-2003.07.10, Bukarest.

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Markó, P. (2001) Economy of a high power welding technology. In: 54th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, 2001.07.07-2001.07.13, Ljubljana.

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. and Dúl, R. (2001) Minimum cost design of a truck floor welded from aluminium-alloy profiles. In: 54th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, 2001.07.07-2001.07.13, Ljubljana.

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Visser-Uys, P. (2001) Minimum cost design of welded tubular frames for a special truck. In: 54th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, 2001.07.07-2001.07.13, Ljubljana.

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Major, L. (2000) Minimum cost design of a welded punch press for light industry. In: 53rd Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, 2000.07.09-2000.07.14, Firenze.

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Haagensen, P. J. (1999) Effect of post-welding treatments on the optimum fatigue design of welded I-beams. In: 52nd Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, 1999.07.17-1999.07.22, Lisszabon.

Farkas, J. and Jármai, K. (1999) Minimum cost design and comparison of uniaxially compressed plates with welded flat, L- and trapezoidal stiffeners. In: 52nd Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, 1999.07.17-1999.07.22, Lisszabon.

Jármai, K. and Farkas, J. and Petershagen, H. (1998) Optimum design of welded cellular plates for ship deck panels. In: 51th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding, 1998.09.13-1998.09.19, Hamburg.

Somogyi, Zs. and Jármai, K. (1995) Futódaru-főtartók méretezési eljárásának összehasonlítása különféle szabványok alapján. In: Géptervezők és Termékfejlesztők X. Országos Szemináriuma, 1995.05.29-1995.05.30, Miskolc.

Jármai, K. and Tompa, S. (1994) Comparison of models, applied in multiobjective optimization of machine-tools' spindle-bearing. In: microCAD '94, 1994.03.03-1994.03.03, Miskolc.

Jármai, K. and Hodvogner, K. and Hercku, Zs. (1994) Optimization of refractory wall structures. In: VI. International Conference on Combustion and Heat Techniques, 1994.06.08-1994.06.10, Miskolc.

Jármai, K. (1989) Multilevel optimization of steel gantry structures on IBM PC. In: 14th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 1989.07.03-1989.07.07, Leipzig.

Jármai, K. (1987) Recent research and development of polymer-concrete-steel composite structures. In: International Symposium on Composite Steel Concrete Structures, 1987.05.12-1987.05.14, Pozsony.

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