Items where Author is "Kalácska, Gábor"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 16. ArticleHailemariam Shegawu, Abebaw and J., Beke and Oldal, István and Kalácska, Gábor (2024) Finite element method (CFX) investigation of the fluid flow distribution behavior of both parallel and counter types of heat exchangers. HUNGARIAN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING (43). pp. 5-17. ISSN 0864-7410 Sarankó, Ádám and Kalácska, Gábor and Keresztes, Róbert Zsolt (2021) Analysis of Formed Chips in the Case of Turning Different Polymer Materials. HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRY AND CHEMISTRY, 49 (2). pp. 71-75. ISSN 0133-0276 Al-Maliki, Hayder and Zsidai, László and Samyn, Pieter and Kalácska, Gábor (2017) Effects of atmospheric plasma treatment on adhesion and tribology of aromatic thermoplastic polymers. Polymer Engineering & Science. ISSN 0032-3888 Al-Maliki, Hayder and Kalácska, Gábor (2017) THE EFFECT OF ATMOSPHERIC DBD PLASMA ON SURFACE ENERGY AND SHEAR STRENGTH OF ADHESIVELY BONDED POLYMER. HUNGARIAN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, 31. pp. 52-58. ISSN 0864-7410 Májlinger, Kornél and Kalácska, Gábor and Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Zsidai, László and Bozóki, Benjámin and Keresztes, Róbert (2017) Global Approach of Tribomechanical Development of Hybrid Aluminium Matrix Syntactic Foams. Tribology Letters, 65 (1). pp. 1-34. ISSN 1023-8883 Májlinger, Kornél and Bozóki, Benjámin and Kalácska, Gábor and Keresztes, Róbert and Zsidai, László (2016) Tribological properties of hybridaluminum matrix syntactic foams. Tribology International, 2016 (99). pp. 211-223. ISSN 0301-679X Horváth, Ádám and Oldal, István and Kalácska, Gábor (2015) OPTIMAL PISTON’S DIAMETER RATIO IN FOUR PISTON CALIPER. HUNGARIAN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING (27). pp. 27-30. ISSN 0864-7410 Zsidai, László and Kalácska, Gábor (2014) "Stick-slip" PA és PEEK kompozitok súrlódásánál henger/sík modell vizsgálati rendszerben. Műanyag és Gumi, 51 (12). pp. 462-470. ISSN 0027-2914 Zsidai, László and Kalácska, Gábor (2014) „Stick-slip” PA és PEEK kompozitok súrlódásánál henger/sík modell vizsgálati rendszerben. Műanyag és Gumi, 51 (12). pp. 462-470. ISSN 0027-2914 Zsidai, László and Kalácska, Gábor and Samyn, Pieter (2013) A hőmérséklet és a terhelés hatása poliészter/poliészter kompozit tribológiai viselkedésére henger/sík vizsgálati rendszerben. Műanyag és Gumi, 50 (12). pp. 474-480. ISSN 0027-2914 Kalácska, Gábor and Zsidai, László and Keresztes, Róbert and Tóth, András and Mohai, Miklós and Szépvölgyi, János (2012) Effect of nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantation of polyamide-6 on its sliding properties against steel surface. Wear, 290-91. pp. 66-73. ISSN 0043-1648 Kalácska, Gábor (2008) Abrasive Wear of Polymer/Steel Gear Drives. Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences, 4 (1). pp. 1-26. ISSN 1786-335X MonographVáradi, Károly and Czifra, Árpád and Czigány, Tibor and Kalácska, Gábor and Keresztes, Róbert and Kozma, Mihály and Lestyán, Zoltán (2009) Polimer, elasztomer, kerámia és kompozit szerkezeti elemek súrlódási viselkedése és tönkremeneteli mechanizmusai = FRICTION BEHAVIOUR AND FAILURE MECHANISMS OF POLYMER, ELASTOMER, CERAMIC AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS. Project Report. OTKA. Kalácska, Gábor and Antal, György and Bartha, László and Éberst, Ottó Paul and Karen, Vercammen and Kislinder, Ervin and Pálinkás, István and Patrick De, Baets and Páy, Gábor László and Pék, Lajos and Zsidai, László (2007) Korszerű, önkenő műszaki műanyag kompozitok tribológiai kutatása dinamikus mozgás és terhelési rendszerekben, dinamikus tribométer modulrendszerű továbbfejlesztése = Tribological research of up-to-date self-lubricating engineering polymer composites in dynamic sliding and loading system, further modular development of the dynamic tribometer. Project Report. OTKA. Conference or Workshop ItemAl-Maliki, HAYDER and Zsidai, László and Kalácska, Gábor and Keresztes, Róbert and Szakál, Zoltán (2016) FRICTION TESTS OF DIFFERENT POLYMERS TESTED BY PLASMA TECHNOLOGY. In: 4th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (ISCAME 2016), 2016 október 13-15, Debrecen. (In Press) BookAl-Maliki, Hayder and Zsidai, László and Kalácska, Gábor and Keresztes, Róbert and Szakál, Zoltán (2016) FRICTION TESTS OF DIFFERENT POLYMERS TESTED BY PLASMA TECHNOLOGY. Proceedings of the 4th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING . Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen, Debrecen. ISBN 978-963-473-917-3 (In Press) |