Items where Author is "Lévai, Géza"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 11. Lévai, Géza and Ishkhanyan, Artur M. (2019) Exact solutions of the sextic oscillator from the bi-confluent Heun equation. MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 34 (18). ISSN 0217-7323 Lévai, Géza and Kovács, József (2019) The finite PT-symmetric square well potential. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, 52 (2). ISSN 0305-4470 Lévai, Géza (2017) Accidental crossing of energy eigenvalues in PT-symmetric Natanzon-class potentials. ANNALS OF PHYSICS, 380. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0003-4916 Lévai, Géza and Baran, Ágnes and Salamon, Péter and Vertse, Tamás (2017) Analytical solutions for the radial Scarf II potential. PHYSICS LETTERS A, 381 (23). pp. 1936-1942. ISSN 0375-9601 Lévai, Géza (2015) PT Symmetry in Natanzon-class Potentials. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, 54 (8). pp. 2724-2736. ISSN 0020-7748 Lévai, Géza and Ruzicka, F. and Znojil, M. (2014) Three solvable matrix models of a quantum catastrophe. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, 53. ISSN 0020-7748 Yépez-Martínez, H. and Morales-Hernández, G. E. and Hess, P. O. and Lévai, Géza and Fraser, P. R. (2013) Renormalization of coherent state variables, within the geometrical mapping of algebraic models. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E-NUCLEAR PHYSICS, 22 (4). ISSN 0218-3013 Lévai, Géza (2013) Semimicroscopic algebraic description of a clustering in Ne-22. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 88 (1). ISSN 2469-9985 Cseh, József and Algora, Pineda Alejandro and Darai, Judit and Kruppa, András Tibor and Lévai, Géza (2013) Szimmetriák a kvantummechanikai soktestproblémában: általános összefüggések és magfizikai alkalmazások = Symmetries in quantum mechanical many-body problems: general aspects and nuclear physical applications. Project Report. OTKA. Lévai, Géza (2010) Fizikai rendszerek összetett szimmetriái = Complex symmetries of physical systems. Project Report. OTKA. Cseh, József and Algora, Pineda Alejandro and Lévai, Géza (2007) Atommagok egzotikus bomlásai, állapotai és szimmetriái = Exotic nuclear decays, states and symmetries. Project Report. OTKA. |