Items where Author is "Liszkay, Gabriella"

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Number of items: 16.


Kispál, Mihály Tamás and Czirbesz, Kata and Baranyai, Fanni and Balatoni, Tímea and Liszkay, Gabriella (2023) Elektrokemoterápia áttétes melanomában = Electrochemotherapy in metastatic melanoma. ORVOSI HETILAP, 164 (35). pp. 1381-1386. ISSN 0030-6002

Liszkay, Gabriella and Kiss, Zoltán and Gyulai, Rolland Péter and Oláh, Judit Magdolna and Holló, Péter and Emri, Gabriella and Csejtei, András and Kenessey, István and Benedek, Angela and Polányi, Zoltán and Nagy-Erdei, Zsófia and Daniel, Andrea and Knollmajer, Kata and Várnai, Máté and Vokó, Zoltán and Nagy, Balázs and Rokszin, György and Fábián, Ibolya and Barcza, Zsófia and Polgár, Csaba (2021) Changing Trends in Melanoma Incidence and Decreasing Melanoma Mortality in Hungary Between 2011 and 2019: A Nationwide Epidemiological Study. FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY, 10. No.-612459. ISSN 2234-943X

Várnai, Máté and Kiss, Zoltán and Gyulai, Rolland and Oláh, Judit and Holló, Péter and Emri, Gabriella and Csejtei, András and Kenessey, István and Benedek, Angéla and Polányi, Zoltán and Nagy-Erdei, Zsófia and Daniel, Andrea and Knollmajer, Kata and Rokszin, György and Fábián, Ibolya and Barcza, Zsófia and Polgár, Csaba and Nagy, Balázs and Liszkay, Gabriella and Vokó, Zoltán (2021) Improving Quality Indicator of Melanoma Management – Change of Melanoma Mortality-to-Incidence Rate Ratio Based on a Hungarian Nationwide Retrospective Study. FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY, 11. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2234-943X

Ladányi, Andrea and Papp, Eszter and Mohos, Anita and Balatoni, Tímea and Liszkay, Gabriella and Oláh, Judit and Varga, Anita and Lengyel, Zsuzsanna and Emri, Gabriella and Ferrone, Soldano (2020) Role of the anatomic site in the association of HLA class I antigen expression level in metastases with clinical response to ipilimumab therapy in patients with melanoma. JOURNAL FOR IMMUNOTHERAPY OF CANCER, 8 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2051-1426

Szabó, Balázs and Szűcs, Miklós and Horváth, András and Székely, Eszter and Pánczél, Gitta and Liszkay, Gabriella and Holló, Péter and Wikonkál, Norbert and Nyirády, Péter (2019) Urogenitalis lokalizációjú mucosamelanoma primer és áttétes esetei klinikánkon = Mucosal melanoma primary and metastatic cases with urogenital localization in our department. Orvosi Hetilap, 160 (10). pp. 378-385. ISSN 0030-6002

Balatoni, Tímea and Ladányi, Andrea and Fröhlich, Georgina and Czirbesz, Kata and Kovács, Péter and Liszkay, Gabriella and Pánczél, Gitta and Bence, Eszter and Plótár, Vanda and Liszkay, Gabriella (2018) Biomarkers Associated with Clinical Outcome of Advanced Melanoma Patients Treated with Ipilimumab. PATHOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY RESEARCH. ISSN 1219-4956

Imrédi, Eleonóra and Plótár, Vanda and Szavcsur, Péter and Pánczél, Gitta and Melegh, Krisztina and Schlachter, Krisztina and Liszkay, Gabriella (2018) Metasztatikus progresszió kezelése primer cutan és ocularis melanoma szinkrón előfordulását követően = Treatment of metastatic progression following the synchronous occurrence of cutaneous and ocular primary melanomas. Orvosi Hetilap, 159 (16). pp. 642-647. ISSN 0030-6002

Balatoni, Tímea and Mohos, Anita and Papp, Eszter and Sebestyén, Tímea and Liszkay, Gabriella and Oláh, Judit and Varga, Anita and Lengyel, Zsuzsanna and Emri, Gabriella and Gaudi, István and Ladányi, Andrea (2018) Tumor-infiltrating immune cells as potential biomarkers predicting response to treatment and survival in patients with metastatic melanoma receiving ipilimumab therapy. CANCER IMMUNOLOGY IMMUNOTHERAPY, 67 (1). pp. 141-151. ISSN 0340-7004 (print); 1432-0851 (online)

Kovács, Péter and Pánczél, Gitta and Balatoni, Tímea and Liszkay, Gabriella and Gonda, Xénia and Bagdy, György and Juhász, Gabriella (2015) Social support decreases depressogenic effect of low-dose interferon alpha treatment in melanoma patients. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 78. pp. 579-584. ISSN 0022-3999

Pánczél, Gitta and Liszkay, Gabriella and Borbola, Kinga and Balatoni, Tímea and Hunyadi, János (2012) Az aspirációs citológia jelentősége a recidiváló és metasztatizáló melanoma diagnosztikájában = The Importance of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in the Management of Recurrent and Metastatic Melanoma. ORVOSI HETILAP, 153 (36). pp. 1419-1423. ISSN 0030-6002 (nyomtatott); 1788-6120 (elektronikus)

Ladányi, Andrea and Kiss, Judit and Mohos, Anita and Somlai, Beáta and Liszkay, Gabriella and Gilde, Katalin and Fejős, Zsuzsanna and Gaudi, István and Dobos, Judit and Tímár, József (2011) Prognostic impact of B-cell density in cutaneous melanoma. CANCER IMMUNOLOGY IMMUNOTHERAPY, 60 (12). pp. 1729-1738. ISSN 0340-7004 (print); 1432-0851 (online)

Balatoni, Tímea and Liszkay, Gabriella and Miklós, Zoltánné and Kásler, Miklós (2011) A melanoma malignum epidemiológiája. Klinikai tapasztalatok az Országos Onkológiai Intézetben = Epidemiology of malignant melanoma. Clinical experience at the National Institute of Oncology in Hungary. Orvosi Hetilap, 152 (25). pp. 1000-1006. ISSN 0030-6002

Mátrai, Zoltán and Liszkay, Gabriella and Plotár, Vanda and Orosz, Zsolt and Székely, Judit and Hitre, Erika and Bartal, Alexandra and Langmár, Zoltán and Bőcs, Katalin and Rényi Vámos, Ferenc and Sávolt, Ákos and Tóth, László (2009) Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans multidiszciplináris kezelésével szerzett hosszú távú eredmények 26 betegnél = Long-term experiences with multidisciplinary therapy of twenty-six patients with dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans and review of the literature. Orvosi Hetilap, 150 (41). pp. 1894-1902. ISSN 0030-6002

Mátrai, Zoltán and Plotár, Vanda and Liszkay, Gabriella and Fejős, Zsuzsanna and Vámosi, Ágnes and Dubóczky, Zsolt and Rényi Vámos, Ferenc and Vámosi Nagy, István and Köves, István and Bartal, Alexandra and Schmidt, Emese and Tóth, László (2009) Recidív acralis lentiginosus melanoma sikeres eltávolítása Mohs-féle mikrográfikus sebészi technikával. Esetismertetés és irodalmi áttekintés = Recurrent acral lentigous melanoma successfully treated with Mohs’ micrographic surgery. Case report and review of the literature. Orvosi Hetilap, 150 (23). pp. 1071-1082. ISSN 0030-6002


Ladányi, Andrea and Dobos, Judit and Liszkay, Gabriella and Plotár, Vanda and Remenár, Éva and Tímár, József (2013) Aktivált T-limfociták, dendritikus sejtek és immunreguláló mechanizmusok kimutatása melanómás és fej-nyaki daganatos betegek őrszemnyirokcsomóiban - klinikai jelentőség és immunterápiai vonatkozások = Prevalence of activated T lymphocytes and dendritic cells as well as immune regulatory mechanisms in sentinel lymph nodes of melanoma and head and neck cancer patients - clinical impact and immunotherapeutic approaches. Project Report. OTKA.

Conference or Workshop Item

Kovács, Péter and Pánczél, Gitta and Balatoni, Tímea and Liszkay, Gabriella and Gonda, Xénia and Bagdy, György and Juhász, Gabriella (2015) Depressogenic effects of low-dose interferon alpha treatment in melanoma patients are significantly alleviated by social support: potential biological explanations. In: 28th European Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015. augusztus 29-szeptember 1., Amsterdam.

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