Items where Author is "Magyar, Norbert"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Jump to: Article | Book Section Number of items: 12. ArticleAlOudat, M. and Magyar, Norbert and Simonné Sarkadi, Livia and Shaikh, Ayaz Mukarram and Kovács, Béla and Lugasi, A. (2024) Perception of chefs and the restaurants' management involved in menu planning on health and nutrition in Hungary. ACTA ALIMENTARIA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 53 (3). pp. 506-512. ISSN 0139-3006 Kocsis, Tímea and Magyar, Norbert and Kovácsné Székely, Ilona (2024) A turizmus 1995 és 2021 közötti karbonhatékonyságának vizsgálata hazánkban az egyes üvegházhatású gázok szerinti bontásban = Evaluation of the carbon-efficiency in tourism for the different greenhouse gases between 1995 and 2021 in Hungary. STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE, 102 (11). pp. 1132-1148. ISSN 00390690 Petrovics, Noémi and Kirchkeszner, Csaba and Patkó, Antónia and Tábi, Tamás and Magyar, Norbert and Kovácsné Székely, Ilona and Szabó, Bálint Sámuel and Nyiri, Zoltán and Eke, Zsuzsanna (2023) Effect of Crystallinity on the Migration of Plastic Additives from Polylactic Acid-Based Food Contact Plastics. FOOD PACKAGING AND SHELF LIFE, 36. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2214-2894 Petrovics, Noémi and Kirchkeszner, Csaba and Tábi, Tamás and Magyar, Norbert and Kovácsné Székely, Ilona and Szabó, Bálint Sámuel and Nyiri, Zoltán and Eke, Zsuzsanna (2022) Effect of temperature and plasticizer content of polypropylene and polylactic acid on migration kinetics into isooctane and 95 v/v% ethanol as alternative fatty food simulants. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 33. p. 100916. ISSN 2214-2894 Magyar, Norbert and Hatvani, István Gábor and Arató, Miklós and Trásy, Balázs and Blaschke, Alfred Paul and Kovács, József (2021) A New Approach in Determining the Decadal Common Trends in the Groundwater Table of the Watershed of Lake “Neusiedlersee”. WATER, 13 (3). ISSN 2073-4441 Kirchkeszner, Csaba and Petrovics, Noémi and Tábi, Tamás and Magyar, Norbert and Kovács, József and Szabó, Bálint Sámuel and Nyiri, Zoltán and Eke, Zsuzsanna (2021) Swelling as a promoter of migration of plastic additives in the interaction of fatty food simulants with polylactic acid- and polypropylene-based plastics. FOOD CONTROL. p. 108354. ISSN 0956-7135 (In Press) Kovácsné Székely, Ilona and Lovasné Avató, Judit and Vass, Lucia and Jakuschné Kocsis, Tímea and Magyar, Norbert (2018) Hogyan oktassuk a statisztikát, mit gondolnak erről a hallgatók? MULTIDISZCIPLINÁRIS KIHÍVÁSOK SOKSZÍNŰ VÁLASZOK (3). pp. 73-95. ISSN 2630-886X Dinka, Mária and Kiss, Anita and Magyar, Norbert and Ágoston-Szabó, Edit (2016) Effects of the introduction of pre-treated wastewater in a shallow lake reed stand. Open Geosciences, 8. pp. 62-77. ISSN 2391-5447 Kovács, József and Kovács, Solt and Hatvani, István Gábor and Magyar, Norbert and Tanos, Péter and Korponai, János (2015) Spatial Optimization of Monitoring Networks on the Examples of a River, a Lake-Wetland System and a Sub-Surface Water System. WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, 29 (14). pp. 5275-5294. ISSN 0920-4741 Kovács, József and Kovács, Solt and Magyar, Norbert and Tanos, Péter and Hatvani, István Gábor and Anda, Angéla (2014) Classification into homogeneous groups using combined cluster and discriminant analysis. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 57. pp. 52-59. ISSN 1364-8152 Magyar, Norbert and Hatvani, István Gábor and Székely, Ilona Kovácsné and Herzig, Alois and Dinka, Mária and Kovács, József (2013) Application of multivariate statistical methods in determining spatial changes in water quality in the Austrian part of Neusiedler See. Ecological Engineering, 55. pp. 82-92. ISSN 0925-8574 Book SectionMagyar, Norbert and Trásy, Balázs and Kutrucz, Gyula and Dinka, Mária (2013) Delineating water bodies on the Hungarian side of Lake Fertő/Neusiedler See. In: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS IN GEOMATHEMATICS: Selected studies of the 2012 Croatian-Hungarian Geomathematical Convent, Opatija. GeoLitera . SZTE TTIK Földrajzi és Földtani Tanszékcsoport, Szeged, pp. 103-115. ISBN 978-963-306-235-7 |