Number of items: 14.
Tóth, Emőke and Monostori, Miklós
Monospecific Lutkevichinella (Ostracoda) fauna from lower Anisian beds (Middle Triassic) of the Balaton Highland (Hungary).
Hantkeniana, 10.
pp. 7-12.
ISSN 1219-3933
Monostori, Miklós and Tóth, Emőke
Additional Middle to Upper Triassic ostracod faunas from the boreholes of Transdanubian Central Range (Hungary).
Hantkeniana, 9.
pp. 21-43.
ISSN 1219-3933
Cséfán, Tünde and Monostori, Miklós
Albian benthic ostracods from the boreholes Vst-8 and Agt-2 (Vértes Foreland, NW-Hungary).
Hantkeniana, 9.
pp. 79-97.
ISSN 1219-3933
Monostori, Miklós
Comparative study of the Pliensbachian and Toarcian ostracods in the Gerecse and Mecsek Mountains, Hungary.
Hantkeniana, 6.
pp. 17-31.
ISSN 1219-3933
Galácz, András and Géczy, Barnabás and Monostori, Miklós
Csernye revisited: New ammonite finds and ostracods from the Lower Jurassic Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary beds in Bakonycsernye, Transdanubian Hungary.
Geologica Pannonica, 36.
pp. 187-225.
ISSN 0365-0634
Monostori, Miklós
Oligocene environments and their ostracod fauna in Hungary.
Hantkeniana, 6.
pp. 173-176.
ISSN 1219-3933
Monostori, Miklós
Upper Oligocene (Egerian) ostracods in Hungary – systematic description.
Geologica Pannonica, 36.
pp. 9-99.
ISSN 0365-0634
Monostori, Miklós
Lower Oligocene (Kiscellian) ostracods in Hungary - Systematic description.
Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis, Sectio Geologica, 34.
pp. 27-141.
ISSN 0365-0634
Monostori, Miklós and Rifelj, Helena and Jelen, Bogomir
Marine ostracods from the Upper Eocene – Lower Oligocene sections of Slovenia and their paleoecological importance.
Hantkeniana, 4.
pp. 83-111.
ISSN 1219-3933
Monostori, Miklós
Upper Eocene freshwater ostracods from Slovenia.
Hantkeniana, 4.
pp. 113-127.
ISSN 1219-3933
Monostori, Miklós
Eocene ostracods of Hungary Systematical part 2 (Cytheracea 2) (MKM Project 186/96).
Hantkeniana, 2.
pp. 49-101.
ISSN 1219-3933
Monostori, Miklós
Bajocian ostracods from the Som Hill (Bakony Mts, Hungary).
Hantkeniana, 1.
pp. 155-161.
ISSN 1219-3933
Kázmér, Miklós and Monostori, Miklós and Zágorsek, Kamil
Életközösségek a felsőeocén budai lejtőn (előzetes közlemény) =
Benthic communities on the Upper Eocene slope at Budapest, Hungary – A progress report.
Őslénytani Viták - Discussiones Palaeontologicae, 39.
pp. 79-89.
Monostori, Miklós and Galácz, András and Szente, István
Júra faunák visszatérése a toarci anoxikus sokk után (magyarországi vizsgálatok) = Return of the Jurassic fauna after the Toarcian anoxic shock, studied in the sections of Hungary.
Project Report.
This list was generated on Sat Mar 15 13:34:01 2025 CET.