Items where Author is "Orbulov, Imre Norbert"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 50. Maróti, János Endre and Szovák, Benedek and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2022) Mátrixanyagukban erősített, kerámia gömbhéjjal töltött szintaktikus fémhabok. ACTA MATERIALIA TRANSYLVANICA (HU), 5 (1). pp. 18-22. ISSN 2601-1883 Maróti, János Endre and Szovák, Benedek and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2022) Reinforced Matrix Syntactic Foams Filled with Ceramic Hollow Spheres. ACTA MATERIALIA TRANSYLVANICA (EN), 5 (1). pp. 18-22. ISSN 2601-8799 Kádár, Csilla and Máthis, Kristián and Chmelík, František and Knapek, Michal and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2020) The Deformation of Expanded Clay Syntactic Foams during Compression Characterized by Acoustic Emission. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (MetFoam 2019). The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series . Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-42797-9; online ISBN 978-3-030-42798-6 Leveles, Borbála and Kemény, Alexandra and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2020) Kerámia gömbhéjjal töltött, alumíniummátrixú bimodális fémhabok vizsgálata. Műszaki Tudományos Közlemények (13). pp. 110-113. ISSN 2393-1280 Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Kemény, Alexandra and Filep, Ádám and Gácsi, Zoltán (2019) Compressive characteristics of bimodal aluminium matrix syntactic foams. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 124. p. 105479. ISSN 1359-835X Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2019) Szintaktikus fémhabok gyártása és vizsgálata – szakirodalmi összefoglaló = Production and investigation of metal matrix syntactic foams – a literature survey. ANYAGVIZSGÁLÓK LAPJA. ISSN 1215-8410 Szlancsik, Attila and Katona, Bálint and Károly, Dóra and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2019) Notch (In)Sensitivity of Aluminum Matrix Syntactic Foams. Materials, 12 (4). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1996-1944 Katona, Bálint and Szlancsik, Attila and Tábi, Tamás and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2019) Compressive characteristics and low frequency damping of aluminium matrix syntactic foams. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 739. pp. 140-148. ISSN 0921-5093 Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Szlancsik, Attila (2018) On the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Matrix Syntactic Foams. Advanced Engineering Materials, 20 (5). ISSN 1438-1656 Taherishargh, Mehdi and Katona, Bálint and Fiedler, Thomas and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2017) Fatigue properties of expanded perlite/aluminum syntactic foams. Journal of Composite Materials, 51 (6). pp. 773-781. ISSN 0021-9983 Májlinger, Kornél and Kalácska, Gábor and Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Zsidai, László and Bozóki, Benjámin and Keresztes, Róbert (2017) Global Approach of Tribomechanical Development of Hybrid Aluminium Matrix Syntactic Foams. Tribology Letters, 65 (1). pp. 1-34. ISSN 1023-8883 Katona, Bálint and Szlancsik, Attila and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2017) Kerámia gömbhéjjal töltött szintaktikus fémhabok törésmechanikai vizsgálata. In: A XXII. Fiatal Műszakiak Tudományos Ülésszak előadásai. Műszaki Tudományos Közlemények - Papers on Technical Science (7). Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület (EME) ; Óbudai Egyetem, Kolozsvár, pp. 211-214. ISBN 978-963-449-018-0 Katona, Bálint and Szlancsik, Attila and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2017) Kerámia gömbhéjjal töltött szintaktikus fémhabok törésmechanikai vizsgálata. Műszaki Tudományos Közlemények (7). pp. 211-214. ISSN 2393-1280 Szlancsik, Attila and Katona, Bálint and Dombóvári, Zoltán and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2017) On the effective Young’s modulus of metal matrix syntactic foams. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0267-0836 Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Katona, Bálint (2017) Structural damages in syntactic metal foams caused by monotone or cyclic compression. Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 61 (2). pp. 146-152. ISSN 0324-6051 Szlancsik, Attila and Dombóvári, Zoltán and Katona, Bálint and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2017) Szintaktikus fémhabok mechanikai tulajdonságainak becslése és mérése. In: OGÉT 2017: XXV. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Találkozó, 2017.04.27-2017.04.30, Kolozsvár. Katona, Bálint and Szebényi, Gábor and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2016) Fatigue properties of ceramic hollow sphere filled aluminium matrix syntactic foams. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 679. pp. 350-357. ISSN 0921-5093 Katona, Bálint and Szebényi, Gábor and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2016) Behaviour of metal matrix syntactic foams under cyclic loading. In: International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Október 13-15, 2016, Debrecen, Magyarország. Katona, Bálint and Szebényi, Gábor and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2016) Fatigue properties of ceramic hollow sphere filled aluminium matrix syntactic foams. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCURE AND PROCESSING. pp. 1-18. ISSN 0921-5093 (Submitted) Katona, Bálint and Szebényi, Gábor and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2016) Fatigue properties of ceramic hollow sphere filled aluminium matrix syntactic foams. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCURE AND PROCESSING. pp. 1-18. ISSN 0921-5093 Taherishargh, Mehdi and Katona, Bálint and Fiedler, Thomas and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2016) Fatigue properties of expanded perlite/aluminum syntactic foams. Journal of Composite Materials. pp. 1-34. ISSN 0021-9983 (In Press) Katona, Bálint and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2016) Kerámiagömbhéjakkal töltött szintaktikus fémhabok kvázistatikus és nagy alakváltozási sebességű nyomóvizsgálata. Bányászati és Kohászati Lapok - Kohászat, 149 (3). pp. 30-35. ISSN 0005-5670 Kádár, Csilla and Máthis, Kristián and Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Chmelík, František (2016) Monitoring the failure mechanisms in metal matrix syntactic foams during compression by acoustic emission. MATERIALS LETTERS, 173. pp. 31-34. ISSN 0167-577X Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Májlinger, Kornél (2015) Characterisation of Hybrid Metal Matrix Syntactic Foams. Materials Science Forum, 812. pp. 219-225. ISSN 1662-9752 Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Májlinger, Kornél (2015) Characterisation of hybrid metal matrix syntactic foams. MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM. ISSN 0255-5476 Szlancsik, Attila and Katona, Bálint and Májlinger, Kornél and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2015) Compressive behavior and microstructural characteristics of iron hollow sphere filled aluminum matrix syntactic foams. Materials, 8 (11). pp. 7926-7937. ISSN 1996-1944 Szlancsik, Attila and Katona, Bálint and Májlinger, Kornél and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2015) Compressive behaviour of aluminium matrix syntactic foams reinforced by iron hollow spheres. Materials and Design. ISSN 0261-3069 Szlancsik, Attila and Katona, Bálint and Bobor, Kristóf and Májlinger, Kornél and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2015) Compressive behaviour of aluminium matrix syntactic foams reinforced by iron hollow spheres. Materials & Design, 83. pp. 230-237. ISSN 0264-1275 (Submitted) Csizmazia, János and Fekete, Balázs and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2015) Dupla kompozitok gyártása, valamint mikroszerkezeti és mechanikai tulajdonságai. Bányászati és Kohászati Lapok - Kohászat, 148 (1). pp. 37-42. ISSN 0005-5670 Katona, Bálint and Szebényi, Gábor and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2015) Fémmátrixú szintaktikus fémhabok fáradási tulajdonságai. Bányászati és Kohászati Lapok - Kohászat. ISSN 0005-5670 Katona, Bálint and Szebényi, Gábor and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2015) Fémmátrixú szintaktikus fémhabok fáradási tulajdonságai. BÁNYÁSZATI KOHÁSZATI LAPOK-KOHÁSZAT, 148 (2). pp. 30-33. ISSN 0005-5670 Myers, Kyle and Katona, Bálint and Cortes, Pedro and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2015) Quasi-static and high strain rate response of aluminum matrix syntactic foams under compression. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 79. pp. 82-91. ISSN 1359-835X (Submitted) Myers, Kyle and Katona, Bálint and Cortes, Pedro and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2015) Quasi-static and high strain rate response of aluminum matrix syntactic foams under compression. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 79. pp. 82-91. ISSN 1359-835X Májlinger, Kornél and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2014) Characteristic compressive properties of hybrid metal matrix syntactic foams. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCURE AND PROCESSING, 606. pp. 248-256. ISSN 0921-5093 (Submitted) Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Májlinger, Kornél (2014) Compressive Properties of Metal Matrix Syntactic Foams in Free and Constrained Compression. JOM, 66 (6). pp. 882-891. ISSN 1047-4838 (Submitted) Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Katona, Bálint and Szebényi, Gábor (2014) Fatigue properties of metal matrix syntactic foams. In: Cellular Materials - CELLMAT 2014. Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Katona, Bálint and Szebényi, Gábor (2014) Fatigue properties of metal matrix syntactic foams. In: Proceedings of Cellular Materials, CellMAT 2014, 2014.10.22-2014.10.24, Dresden. Májlinger, Kornél and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2013) Development and evaluation of hybrid aluminium matrix syntactic foams. Mechanical Engineering Letters, 49. pp. 1-9. Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2013) Metal matrix syntactic foams produced by pressure infiltration—The effect of infiltration parameters. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 583. pp. 11-19. ISSN 09215093 Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Ginsztler, János (2012) Compressive characteristics of metal matrix syntactic foams. Composites Part A, 43 (4). pp. 553-561. ISSN 1359-835X Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Ginsztler, János (2012) Compressive behaviour of metal matrix syntactic foams. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 9 (2). pp. 43-56. ISSN 1785-8860 Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Májlinger, Kornél (2012) Microstructure of metal matrix composites reinforced by ceramic microballoons. Materiali in Technologije / Materials and Technology, 46 (4). pp. 375-382. ISSN 1580-2949 Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Dobránszky, János and Németh, Árpád (2009) Microstructural characterisation of syntactic foams. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 44 (15). pp. 4013-4019. ISSN 0022-2461 Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Németh, Árpád and Dobránszky, János (2008) Composite production by pressure infiltration. MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM, 589. pp. 137-142. ISSN 0255-5476 Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Németh, Árpád and Dobránszky, János (2008) Manufacturing of Composites by Pressure Infiltration, Structure and Mechanical Properties. In: Gépészet 2008: Proceedings of Sixth Conference on Mechanical Engineering. Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Budapest. ISBN 978-963-420-947-8 Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Németh, Árpád and Dobránszky, János (2008) XRD and EDS Investigations of Metal Matrix Composites and Syntactic Foams. In: 13th European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, 2008.06.16-2008.06.20., Cavtat, Horvátország. Kientzl, Imre and Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Dobránszky, János and Németh, Árpád (2006) Mechanical behaviour of Al-matrix composite wires in double composite structures. ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 50. pp. 147-152. ISSN 1661-819X Kientzl, Imre and Orbulov, Imre Norbert and Dobránszky, János and Németh, Árpád (2006) The processing and testing of aluminium matrix composite wires, double composites and block composites. In: 12th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2006.08.29-2006.09.01., Biarritz, Franciaország. Dobránszky, János and Bernáth, Andrea and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2005) Magnézium: a fém, mely nagyon könnyu, de fontosnak találtatott (1. rész). BÁNYÁSZATI KOHÁSZATI LAPOK-KOHÁSZAT, 138. pp. 35-40. ISSN 0005-5670 Dobránszky, János and Bernáth, Andrea and Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2005) Magnézium: a fém, mely nagyon könnyű, de fontosnak találtatott (2. rész). BÁNYÁSZATI KOHÁSZATI LAPOK-KOHÁSZAT, 138. pp. 33-40. ISSN 0005-5670 |