Items where Author is "Ozsvárt, Péter"

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Number of items: 18.

Rouzegar, Roghayeh and Ozsvárt, Péter (2022) Late Devonian (Frasnian–Famennian) palynomorphs from the Padeha and Bahram Formations of Shahzadeh Mohammad section, northwest of Kerman, Iran. ACTA PALAEOBOTANICA, 62 (2). pp. 144-161. ISSN 0001-6594

Ozsvárt, Péter and Bahramnejad, Elham and Bagheri, Sasan and Sharifi, Mortaza (2020) New Albian (Cretaceous) radiolarian age constraints for the Dumak ophiolitic mélange from the Shuru area, Eastern Iran. Cretaceous Research, 111. p. 104451. ISSN 0195-6671 (In Press)

Ozsvárt, Péter and Dumitrica, Paulian and Moix, Patrice (2019) New early Late Carnian (Upper Triassic) radiolarians from the Pindos-Huğlu succession of the South-Taurides ophiolite belt. SWISS JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, 112 (1). pp. 251-266. ISSN 1661-8726

Haas, János and Jovanović, Divna and Görög, Ágnes and Sudar, Milan N. and Józsa, Sándor and Ozsvárt, Péter and Pelikán, Pál (2019) Upper Triassic‒Middle Jurassic resedimented toe-of-slope and hemipelagic basin deposits in the Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt, Zlatar Mountain, SW Serbia. Facies, 65 (2). ISSN 0172-9179

Ozsvárt, Péter (2018) A Magyarországi Paleogén Medence paleo-oceanográfiája bentosz foraminiferák paleoökológiai vizsgálata alapján = Palaeocanographic history of the Hungarian Palaeogene Basin using a palaeoecological analyis of benthic foraminifera. FÖLDTANI KÖLÖNY, 148 (3). p. 235. ISSN 0015-542X

Ozsvárt, Péter and Dumitrica, Paulian and Hungerbühler, Alexandre and Moix, Patrice (2017) Mono- and Dicyrtid Nassellaria (Radiolaria) from the Upper Carnian of the Sorgun Ophiolitic Mélange, Southern Turkey and Kopría Mélange, Rhodes, Greece = Radiolaires nassellaires mono- et dicyrtides du Carnien supérieur du Mélange Ophiolitique de Sorgun, Turquie Méridionale et du Mélange de Kopría, Rhodes, Grèce. REVUE DE MICROPALÉONTOLOGIE. pp. 1-24. ISSN 0035-1598 (print); 1873-4413 (online)

Ozsvárt, Péter and Dumitrica, Paulian and Moix, Patrice (2017) New Early Tuvalian (Carnian, Triassic) Radiolarians from the Huǧlu-Pindos Succession in the Sorgun Ophiolitic Mélange, Southern Turkey. OFIOLITI : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPHIOLITES AND MODERN OCEANIC LITOSPHERE, 42 (1). pp. 55-67. ISSN 0391-2612

Ozsvárt, Péter and Kocsis, László and Nyerges, Anita and Győri, Orsolya and Pálfy, József (2016) The Eocene-Oligocene climate transition in the Central Paratethys. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY, 459. pp. 471-487. ISSN 0031-0182

Ozsvárt, Péter and Moix, Patrice and Kozur, Heinz W. (2015) New Carnian (Upper Triassic) radiolarians from the Sorgun Ophiolitic Mélange, southern Turkey. NEUES JAHRBUCH FÜR GEOLOGIE UND PALÄONTOLOGIE-ABHANDLUNGEN, 277 (3). pp. 337-352. ISSN 0077-7749

Kocsis, L. and Ozsvárt, Péter and Becker, D. and Ziegler, R. and Scherler, L. (2014) Orogeny forced terrestrial climate variation during the late Eocene-early Oligocene in Europe. GEOLOGY, 42 (8). pp. 727-730. ISSN 0091-7613

Haas, János and Pelikán, Pál and Görög, Ágnes and Józsa, Sándor and Ozsvárt, Péter (2013) Stratigraphy, facies and geodynamic settings of Jurassic formations in the Bükk Mountains, North Hungary: its relations with the other areas of the Neotethyan realm. Geological Magazine, 150 (1). pp. 18-49. ISSN 0016-7568 (print), 1469-5081 (online)

Ozsvárt, Péter and Dosztály, Lajos and Migiros, Georgios and Tselepidis, Vassilis and Kovács, Sándor (2012) New radiolarian biostratigraphic age constraints on Middle Triassic basalts and radiolarites from the Inner Hellenides (Northern Pindos and Othris Mountains, Northern Greece) and their implications for the geodynamic evolution of the early Mesozoic Neotethys. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101 (6). pp. 1487-1501. ISSN 1437-3254

Ozsvárt, Péter (2010) Magyarországi triász és jura radiolária közösségek taxonómiai és biosztratigráfiai vizsgálata, valamint alkalmazása globális paleo-oceanográfiai modellezésben = Taxonomy and biochronology of Triassic and Jurassic radiolarians from Hungary: relations with global paleoceanographic events. Project Report. OTKA.

Kovács, Sándor and Haas, János and Ozsvárt, Péter and Palinkaš, Ladislav A. and Kiss, Gabriella and Molnár, Ferenc and Józsa, Sándor and Kövér , Szilvia (2010) Re-evaluation of the Mesozoic complexes of Darnó Hill (NE Hungary) and comparisons with Neotethyan accretionary complexes of the Dinarides and Hellenides – preliminary data. Central European Geology, 53 (2-3). pp. 205-231. ISSN 1788-2281

Haas, János and Brezsnyánszky, Károly and Fodor, László and Görög, Ágnes and Hips, Kinga and Kovács, Sándor and Kövér, Szilvia and Németh, Norbert and Ozsvárt, Péter and Pelikán, Pál and Péró, Csaba (2010) Triász és jura lejtőfáciesek jelentősége a Neotethys ÉNy-i végének geodinamikai értelmezésében = Importance of Triassic and Jurassic slope facies in the geodynamic reconstruction of the NW termination of the Neotethys. Project Report. OTKA.

Fodor, László and Budai, Tamás and Csillag, Gábor and Kercsmár, Zsolt and Kollányi, Katalin and Maros, Gyula and Muráti, Judit and Nagyné Pálfalvi, Sarolta and Ozsvárt, Péter and Selmeczi, Ildikó and Sztanó, Orsolya and Vértesy, László (2008) A Vértes és előtereinek szerkezetfejlődése és annak kapcsolata a kainozoos üledékképződéssel és ősföldrajzzal = Structural evolution if the Vértes Hills including their forelands and the relationship with Cenozoic sedimentation and paleogeography. Project Report. OTKA.

Kovács, Sándor and Bagolyné Árgyelán, Gizella and Brezsnyánszky, Károly and Csontos, László and Forián-Szabó, Márton and Görög, Ágnes and Gulyás Kis, Csaba and Józsa, Sándor and Less, György and Németh, Norbert and Ozsvárt, Péter and Pelikán, Pál and Péró, Csaba and Piros, Olga and Rálisch, Erzsébet and Zelenka, Tibor (2007) Az ÉK-magyarországi paleozoikum és mezozoikum dinári-hellenid korrelációja = Dinaridic-Hellenidic correlation of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of NE Hungary. Project Report. OTKA.

Kázmér, Miklós and Dunkl, István and Frisch, Wolfgang and Kuhlemann, Joachim and Ozsvárt, Péter (2003) The Palaeogene forearc basin of the Eastern Alps and Western Carpathians: subduction erosion and basin evolution. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 160. pp. 413-428.

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