Items where Author is "Vörös, András"

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Number of items: 21.


Palásti, Péter and Zombori, Tamás and Kaiser, László and Magony, Sándor and Kakuja, Flora and Vörös, András and Morvay, Zita and Kincses, Zsigmond Tamás and Palkó, András and Fejes, Zsuzsanna (2021) „Rés a pajzson” – a pajzsmirigy modern képalkotó vizsgálata multidiszciplináris szemszögből [“Gap in the shield” – imaging of the thyroid gland from the multidisciplinary perspective]. ORVOSI HETILAP, 162 (14). pp. 530-541. ISSN 0030-6002

Vörös, András and Darvas, Dániel and Hajdu, Ákos and Klenik, Attila and Marussy, Kristóf and Molnár, Vince and Majzik, István (2017) Industrial Applications of the PetriDotNet Modelling and Analysis Tool. SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. pp. 1-30. ISSN 0167-6423

Vörös, András and Darvas, Dániel and Bartha, Tamás (2013) Bounded saturation-based CTL model checking. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ESTONIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 62 (1). pp. 59-70. ISSN 1736-6046

Vörös, András and Kaiser, László and Somfay, Attila and Pálinkás, Attila (2007) Arteria pulmonalis mikroembolizációt, pulmonalis hipertóniát okozó primer tüdőrák = Primary adenocarcinoma of the lung causing pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy. Orvosi Hetilap, 148 (27). pp. 1281-1285. ISSN 0030-6002

Book Section

Molnár, Vince and Graics, Bence and Vörös, András and Majzik, István and Varró, Dániel (2018) The Gamma Statechart Composition Framework : Design, Verification and Code Generation for Component-Based Reactive Systems. In: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion. ACM Press, New York, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-4503-5663-3 (In Press)

Vörös, András and Búr, Márton and Ráth, István Zoltán and Horváth, Ákos and Micskei, Zoltán Imre and Balogh, László and Hegyi, Bálint and Horváth, Benedek and Mázló, Zsolt and Varró, Dániel (2018) MoDeS3: Model-based Demonstrator for Smart and Safe Cyber-Physical Systems. In: NASA Formal Methods. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (10811). Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 460-467. ISBN 978-3-319-77934-8

Szilágyi, Gábor and Vörös, András (2017) Distributed Runtime Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems Based on Graph Pattern Matching. In: Proceedings of the 24th PhD Mini-Symposium. BME MIT, Budapest, pp. 78-81. ISBN 978-963-313-243-2

Marussy, Kristóf and Molnár, Vince and Vörös, András and Majzik, István (2017) Getting the Priorities Right: Saturation for Prioritised Petri Nets. In: Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (10258). Springer International Publishing, Cham (Svájc), pp. 223-242. ISBN 978-3-319-57860-6

Tóth, Tamás and Hajdu, Ákos and Vörös, András and Micskei, Zoltán Imre and Majzik, István (2017) Theta: a Framework for Abstraction Refinement-Based Model Checking. In: Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design. FMCAD Inc., Bécs, pp. 176-179. ISBN 978-0-9835678-7-5

Gujgiczer, Anna and Elekes, Márton and Semeráth, Oszkár and Vörös, András (2017) Towards Model-Based Support for Regression Testing. In: Proceedings of the 24th PhD Mini-Symposium. BME MIT, Budapest, pp. 26-29. ISBN 978-963-313-243-2

Búr, Márton and Vörös, András and Bergmann, Gábor and Varró, Dániel (2017) Towards Modeling Cyber-Physical Systems From Multiple Approaches. In: Proceedings of the 24th PhD Mini-Symposium. BME MIT, Budapest, pp. 6-9. ISBN 978-963-313-243-2

Hajdu, Ákos and Tóth, Tamás and Vörös, András and Majzik, István (2016) A Configurable CEGAR Framework with Interpolation-Based Refinements. In: Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9688). Springer International Publishing, [s. l.], pp. 158-174. ISBN 978-3-319-39570-8

Marussy, Kristóf and Klenik, Attila and Molnár, Vince and Vörös, András and Majzik, István and Telek, Miklós (2016) Efficient decomposition algorithm for stationary analysis of complex stochastic Petri net models. In: Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9698). Springer International Publishing, Cham (Svájc), pp. 281-300. ISBN 978-3-319-39086-4

Semeráth, Oszkár and Vörös, András and Varró, Dániel (2016) Iterative and incremental model generation by logic solvers. In: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9633). Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg, pp. 87-103. ISBN 978-3-662-49664-0

Vörös, András and Darvas, Dániel and Molnár, Vince and Klenik, Attila and Hajdu, Ákos and Bartha, Tamás and Majzik, István (2016) PetriDotNet 1.5: Extensible Petri net editor and analyser for education and research. In: Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9698). Springer International Publishing, Cham (Svájc), pp. 123-132. ISBN 978-3-319-39086-4

Hajdu, Ákos and Vörös, András and Bartha, Tamás (2015) New Search Strategies for the Petri Net CEGAR Approach. In: Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Switzerland, pp. 309-328. ISBN 978-3-319-19488-2

Molnár, Vince and Darvas, Dániel and Vörös, András and Bartha, Tamás (2015) Saturation-based incremental LTL model checking with inductive proofs. In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems,. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9035). Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg, pp. 643-657. ISBN 978-3-662-46680-3

Bartha, Tamás and Vörös, András and Jámbor, Attila and Darvas, Dániel (2012) Verification of an industrial safety function using coloured Petri nets and model checking. In: MITIP 2012. 14th International Conference on Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises. Proceedings volume. MTA SZTAKI, Budapest, pp. 472-485. ISBN 978-963-311-373-8

Conference or Workshop Item

Mondok, Milán and Vörös, András (2020) Abstraction-Based Model Checking of Linear Temporal Properties. In: 27th Minisymposium, 2020.02.05, Budapest.

Búr, Márton and Szilágyi, Gábor and Vörös, András and Varró, Dániel (2018) Distributed Graph Queries for Runtime Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems. In: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2018.04.14-2018.04.20, Thessaloniki.

Marussy, Kristóf and Klenik, Attila and Molnár, Vince and Vörös, András and Telek, Miklós and Majzik, István (2016) Configurable numerical analysis for stochastic systems. In: 2016 International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods for Reachability Analysis (SNR), 2016.04.11-2016.04.11, Bécs.

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