Analysis of a mechanical mixer performance in anoxic reactor

Papp, Tamás and Karches, Tamás (2019) Analysis of a mechanical mixer performance in anoxic reactor. Pollack Periodica, 14 (1). pp. 161-166. ISSN 1788-1994


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Denitrification is a key process in wastewater treatment since it is responsible for the effective nutrient removal. It requires anoxic conditions, where only chemically bound nitrogen is used as an oxygen source, and no aeration is applied. In suspended biomass systems the growth and homogenization of biomass is essential, high degree of mixing is required, which is achieved only by using mechanical mixers. Mechanical mixing performance relies on the mixing power determined by the equipment dimensions and rotational speed. In this paper the effect of three different rotational speed (rpm: 100, 400, 900 min<sup>-1</sup>) on flow field and mixing conditions are evaluated. As a result of the simulations, the acceptable flow field was achieved at 400 rpm. The outcome of this research is that the high degree of energy transfer from mixers to fluid flow deteriorated mixing efficiency.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: MTA KFB támogatási szerződés alapján archiválva
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) / általános mérnöki tudományok
Depositing User: Eszter Bálint
Date Deposited: 07 Aug 2019 13:08
Last Modified: 07 Aug 2019 13:08

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