Heat Flow Density Determinations in Hungary Using Well Logs

Mihályka, János and Paróczi, Petra and Lenkey, László (2020) Heat Flow Density Determinations in Hungary Using Well Logs. GEOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING: A PUBLICATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISKOLC, 8 (13). pp. 45-69. ISSN 2063-6997


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The thermal conductivity of rocks can be deduced from available data of explora-tion wells such as core samples, cuttings, lithological descriptions and geophysical well logs. As the thermal conductivity of clastic sediments is lower than the conductivity of the crys-talline basement, the sediments have a significant influence on the temperature distribution and heat flow density. We present a methodology for determining the thermal conductivity of clastic sediments using geophysical well logs and thermal conductivity data measured in laboratory. Our results are based on the data of 6 exploration wells. Several well log combi-nations and thermal conductivity measurements from 70 core samples were used to work out the method. The lithological composition consisting of shale, sand and water was identified and the volumetric fractions of these components were derived from wireline logging data such as natural gamma ray, resistivity, bulk density and neutron porosity logs. The litholo-gical composition was determined with Bayesian inversion applying the weighted least squares method. The effective thermal conductivity was computed by applying an appropri-ate mixing law using the thermal conductivity values of the lithological components. The thermal conductivities derived from well logs were tested and new matrix thermal conduc-tivity values were calculated using archive thermal conductivity measurements of core sam-ples. The harmonic mean model proved to be the best mixing law, resulting in the best fit to laboratory measurements. The reliability of our model was also tested with the help of tempe-rature measurements carried out in a well. Heat flow density determinations were carried out using the Bullard-plot technique with thermal conductivities calculated by our new method. In case of 6 wells, heat flow densities calculated by the new method are in the range of heat flow density values previously conducted but with substantially lower uncertainties.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QE Geology / földtudományok
Depositing User: Zsolt Baráth
Date Deposited: 16 Jun 2022 07:35
Last Modified: 16 Jun 2022 07:35

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