The dimension of the image of the Abel map associated with normal surface singularities

Nagy, János and Némethi, András (2022) The dimension of the image of the Abel map associated with normal surface singularities. SELECTA MATHEMATICA - NEW SERIES, 28 (3). ISSN 1022-1824


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Let (X,o) be a complex normal surface singularity with rational homology sphere link and let X˜ be one of its good resolutions. Fix an effective cycle Z supported on the exceptional curve and also a possible Chern class l′∈H2(X˜,Z). Define Ecal′(Z) as the space of effective Cartier divisors on Z and cl′(Z):Ecal′(Z)→Picl′(Z), the corresponding Abel map. In this note we provide two algorithms, which provide the dimension of the image of the Abel map. Usually, dimPicl′(Z)=pg, dimIm(cl′(Z)) and codimIm(cl′(Z)) are not topological, they are in subtle relationship with cohomologies of certain line bundles. However, we provide combinatorial formulae for them whenever the analytic structure on X˜ is generic. The codimIm(cl′(Z)) is related with {h1(X˜,L)}L∈Im(cl′(Z)); in order to treat the `twisted' family {h1(X˜,L0⊗L)}L∈Im(cl′(Z)) we need to elaborate a generalization of the Picard group and of the Abel map. The above algorithms are also generalized.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 07 Nov 2022 08:34
Last Modified: 07 Nov 2022 08:34

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