Middle-late Miocene snakes from the Pannonian Basin

Venczel, Márton (2011) Middle-late Miocene snakes from the Pannonian Basin. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA ROMANIAE, 7. pp. 343-349. ISSN 1842-371X


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he fossil record of Astaracian–early Vallesian (MN 6–MN 9) snakes is reviewed based on information derived from sixteen localities, situated on or adjacent to the former Pannonian Sea margins. The studied deposits yielded both Scolecophidia and Alethinophidia (Boidae, Colubridae, Elapidae, Viperidae). Indeterminable Scolecophidia were present in most localities, their remains consisting of trunk vertebrae only. The only Boidae recorded is a small-sized Erycinae snake (Albaneryx cf. volynicus) from Felsőtárkány 2, N-Hungary, which represents an important link between West- and East-European members of the genus. Coluber pouchetii, a member of the “large-sized colubrines” with still unresolved relationships, apparently was widely distributed across the European continent, whereas Coronella miocaenica, Hierophis cf. hungaricus and Natrix cf. rudabanyaensis possibly were newcomers from the Asiatic continent. Small-sized Elapidae, resembling the North-American genus Micrurus, were recorded on the basis of presacral vertebrae only. Macrovipera sp., from the “Oriental vipers group” is known from the Tauţ and Vârciorog localities, W-Romania, whereas the vipers from the “V. aspis group” are known from Mátraszőlős 3, Subpiatră 2/1 and Felsőtárkány-Felnémet 2/3. The first occurrence of the “V. berus group” in Central Europe is reported from Felsőtárkány (1, 2 and 3/10 localities). The Astaracian–early Vallesian snake faunas of the Pannonian Basin were already dominated by modern colubrids (Natricinae and Colubrinae). Increasing faunal influence from the Asiatic continent is presumed to have started during the early Vallesian.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Serpentes, Miocene, Fossil record, Hungary, Romania
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH526 Paleontology / őslénytan
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 13 Jun 2023 07:25
Last Modified: 13 Jun 2023 07:25

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