Sustainability Framework for Revealing and Analysing the Co-benefits of Nature-based Solutions to Urban Water Challenges

Szalmáné Csete, Mária and Poyraz, Anil Yildirim (2022) Sustainability Framework for Revealing and Analysing the Co-benefits of Nature-based Solutions to Urban Water Challenges. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 11 (4). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2239-5938

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The traditional approach towards urban water infrastructure elements is forced to change by the severe impacts of climate change. Nature-based solutions (NBS) addressing urban water challenges have recently prevailed for their potential to provide multiple co-benefits. However, the evaluation processes of NBS implementations usually lack the inclusion of co-benefits. This paper aims to assess the performance of flood-oriented NBS applications in delivering various co-benefits. To do this, we introduced a categorization of the identified challenges for the selected projects from NATURVATION Atlas. Eight challenges are associated with environmental, social and economic co-benefits. The governance features and costs were analysed as well as the expected co-benefits of the selected projects. The examined NBS projects indeed contributed to environmental sustainability. More than half of them achieve social benefits, and additional economic benefits can be found in less than a fifth of them. The participation of certain governmental bodies and civil society elements is more likely to bring co-benefits. The analysis implies that projects with multiple benefits require larger budgets. By raising the awareness of the importance of the inclusion of different societal challenges in the planning and implementation phase, the participating actors can promote the multiple benefits approach within the NBS projects.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Funding Agency and Grant Number: Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Ministry for Innovation and Technology; NRDI Fund; NRDI Office under the auspices of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology; [BME-NVA-02] Funding text: Special thanks to Kaya Schwemmlein for her valuable comments. This paper was supported by the J?nos Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and supported by the ÚNKP-22-5 new national excellence program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology from the source of the national research, development and innovation fund. The research reported in this paper and carried out at BME has been supported by the NRDI Fund TKP2021 based on the charter of bolster issued by the NRDI Office under the auspices of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (project id: BME-NVA-02) .
Uncontrolled Keywords: Nature-based Solution, Climate Change, Urban Water Challenges, Flood Protection, Co-benefits, Sustainability Assessment Framework
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering / vízépítés
T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering / környezetvédelem, hulladékkezelés, egészségügyi mérnöki technika (ivóvízellátási és szennyvízkezelési technika)
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 28 Sep 2023 07:33
Last Modified: 28 Sep 2023 07:33

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