Neolatin elégiaköltészet a 18. századi magyar jezsuita oktatásban

Szádoczki, Vera (2014) Neolatin elégiaköltészet a 18. századi magyar jezsuita oktatásban. In: Vers. Verstan, poétika, trópusok a 15-17. századi Európában. reciti, Budapest, pp. 105-110. ISBN 978-615-5478-02-4


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From the beginning of the 18 ᵗʰ century the Latin language was flourishing again in Hungary. is is also shown in the amount of poetry produced: a lot of poems were wrien in Latin, partly in manuscripts and partly in printing. Most of them belong to the genre of elegy which arises some problems. Firstly, what was regarded as elegy in this period: a genre or a form? Secondly, because of the fact that versification was schoolwork (the Jesuit education was excelling at it), and every student had to learn writing poems, the quality of the poems is varying. Different schoolbooks, works of poetics and lecture notes (for instance Cypriano Soarez, Lukas Mösch, Antonius Hellmayr etc.) discuss how to make a perfect piece in this genre. Hellmayr had a very interesting book that teaches how to write an elegy step by step. Some books from the institutes of Jesuits in Kolozsvár and Győr also describe the practice. More than 200 poems; elegies and some other genres reveal how the theory worked in practice, which topics were the favourites, and who were the masters from the earlier periods.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PN Literature (General) / irodalom általában > PN0441 Literary History / irodalomtörténet
Depositing User: Vera Szádoczki
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2015 11:15
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2015 11:15

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