Comparison of Rubik's Cube Solution Software with SWOT Analyses for the Input-Output Process Modelling

Fogarassy, Csaba (2014) Comparison of Rubik's Cube Solution Software with SWOT Analyses for the Input-Output Process Modelling. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON RECENT AND INNOVATION TRENDS IN COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATION, 2 (12). pp. 4008-4015. ISSN 2321-8169


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The Cube Explorer was the first Rubik’s Cube solution program which was able to solve a cube from any starting position using around 30 rotations. After this first software, and also using it as a basis, began the different personal developments for the different solution programs all around the world. In order to view the connection network of Rubik’s Cube software development, and modeling of input-output process based on Rubik’s Cube’s solution algorithms, I will do the SWOT analysis for three different development routes or softwa re methods (Ruwix program - Kociemba Cube explorer development; Solution Searching LBL software developed by Gábor Nagy; Rubiksolve Program developed by Eric Diec). During input-output process analysis, the goal is to make the analysed development or investment process faster and simpler, even with the use of software. The role of the software can be important if after assigning the attributes to the cube’s respective sides, we can define the starting state of the project even with the unassortedness state of Rubik’s Cube

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika > QA74 Analysis / analízis
Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science / számítástechnika, számítógéptudomány
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 03 Apr 2015 06:55
Last Modified: 03 Apr 2015 06:55

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