1,4-Additions of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines – a novel system to study pi-bond activation and  dispersion interactions

Koner, Abishek and Kelemen, Zsolt and Schnakenburg, Gregor and Nyulászi, László and Streubel, Rainer (2018) 1,4-Additions of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines – a novel system to study pi-bond activation and  dispersion interactions. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. pp. 1182-1184. ISSN 1359-7345


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The dienic nature of the aromatic π-system in 1,4-diphosphinines remained largely unexplored to this day due to a lack of facile and efficient synthetic protocols. Recently reported stable, tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines were used to explore the thermal reactivity of the π-system towards an array of dienophiles in [4π+2π]- and, for the first time, in [4π+2σ]-type cycloaddition reactions.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QD Chemistry / kémia > QD03 Inorganic chemistry / szervetlen kémia
Depositing User: Nyulaszi laszlo
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2019 08:53
Last Modified: 15 Feb 2019 08:53

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