Nyelvi attitűdök kisebbségi közösségben: Sodankylä és Enontekiö

Duray, Zsuzsa (2014) Nyelvi attitűdök kisebbségi közösségben: Sodankylä és Enontekiö. NYELVTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 110. pp. 149-164. ISSN 0029-6791 (print); 2060-7644 (online)

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Language attitude research provides a possibility for explaining linguistic variation in the repertoire of the multilingual minority speaker as well as the process of language change in a minority community. Minority attitudes towards the mother tongue and the multilingual situation have strong effects on the status of the minority language within a given community. As the Saami language is agreed to constitute an integral part of the Saami individual’s identity, its speakers are able to reflect on a variety of the facets of attitudes to the minority language including the use, the usefulness and the role of the minority/majority language in the community, language policies, minority education, minority language maintenance and revitalization. In this paper I give an insight into how the language attitudes of the North Saami minority in two municipalities in Finnish Lapland have changed over a decade’s time. I look into the ways integrative and instrumental attitudes manifest themselves in the attitude rating scales and in the open answers on language attitudes. The research is based on a longitudinal survey using questionnaires. A variety of attitudinal statements are compared and analysed to conclude that the bilingual situation in the community is both subtractive due to the decreasing use of Saami in everyday life and also additive due to the positive attitudes of Saami towards their mother tongue and Saami-Finnish bilingualism.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > P0 Philology. Linguistics / filológia, nyelvészet
Depositing User: dr Zsuzsa Duray
Date Deposited: 26 Feb 2020 09:17
Last Modified: 11 Feb 2025 15:05

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