Self-Regulation in Young Learners’ Vocabulary learning

Hardi, Judit (2017) Self-Regulation in Young Learners’ Vocabulary learning. GRADUS, 4 (1). pp. 165-173. ISSN 2064-8014


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Self-regulation provides an innovative frame to investigate learners’ activity in learning a language, and it is vital to give a comprehensive picture of learners’ strategic behaviour. Therefore, self-regulated language learning is in the focus of this paper from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Since there is a strong link between strategic language learning and self-regulation, the components of young learners’ selfregulating capacity is understood as determinants of their strategic thinking. In the empirical research presented in this paper I discuss the extent of young learners’ self-regulation in learning vocabulary and illustrate age-related differences.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: self-regulation, strategic behaviour, vocabulary learning, young learners
Subjects: L Education / oktatás > LB Theory and practice of education / oktatás elmélete és gyakorlata
Depositing User: Zoltán Subecz
Date Deposited: 19 Jun 2020 11:54
Last Modified: 03 Apr 2023 06:50

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