Határon átnyúló topográfiai kutatások a Felső-Tisza-vidéken

Istvánovits, Eszter and Szőcs, Péter Levente (2017) Határon átnyúló topográfiai kutatások a Felső-Tisza-vidéken. In: MAGYARORSZÁG RÉGÉSZETI TOPOGRÁFIÁJA MÚLT, JELEN, JÖVŐ. MTA, Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Régészeti Intézet, Budapest, pp. 207-212. ISBN 978-963-9911-98-7


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Cross-border topographic research in the Upper Tisza region The accurate mapping is crucial to the effective protection of archaeological sites. Despite this, the systematic archaeological survey of the Upper Tisza Region has not been completed yet. The need for such a survey is ever more urgent in the wake of major development projects and intensifying metal detectoring activity. The latter is not surprising, given that this region is extremely rich in bronze hoards, assemblages that are among the favourite “trophies” of detectorists. In the light of the above, it seemed relevant to propose the extension of the archaeological survey of Hungary to the region in question, and we submitted a proposal to this effect to the Ministry of Interior and to the Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2012–2013. Already at that time, we emphasised that the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Museum (Nyíregyháza) and the Satu Mare County Museum (Satu Mare) had conducted several joint projects such as common fieldwalkings and the publication of village monographs within the framework of a Hungarian-Romanian Cross-border Project, which could serve as preliminary studies for an archaeological survey. The two-decades-long co-operation between our museums has created the necessary foundation for the cross-border activity. In this way, we took the first step towards our final goal, the creation of a continuously updated register of all the archaeological sites in the Carpathian Basin. The proposed project is a complex research: it is designed to connect archaeological sites and relevant architectural monuments (including vernacular architecture). For data processing, we can make use of a GIS-based system (EMIR: Unified Museum Information System database and ArcWiew). We consider it important to continue the publication of the popular monographs of the researched villages, a tradition we began during the Hungarian-Romanian Cross-border Project. The research background to each volume included the systematic field survey, aerial photography and geophysical survey of the given territories. To date, twenty-six volumes of the settlement monograph series have been completed.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CC Archaeology / régészet
D History General and Old World / történelem > DN Middle Europe / Közép-Európa > DN1 Hungary / Magyarország
Depositing User: Dr. Peter Szocs
Date Deposited: 30 Nov 2020 09:55
Last Modified: 31 Mar 2023 07:17

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