Újabb adatok a Dráva felső szakaszának kisemlős faunájához — New data to the small mammal fauna of the upper region Drava (Mammalia)

Horváth, Győző and Hamburger, Krisztina and Schäffer, Dávid (2002) Újabb adatok a Dráva felső szakaszának kisemlős faunájához — New data to the small mammal fauna of the upper region Drava (Mammalia). NATURA SOMOGYIENSIS (3). pp. 111-130. ISSN 1587-1908 (print); 2062-9990 (online)

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At the upper region of Drava 408 pellets were collected from 14 sample sites in autumn 2000 and 1975 small mammal individuals were identified during analyses. Among the Insectivora, six shrew species belonging to the family Soricidae were identified, whereas among the rodents (Rodentia) 12 species were differentiated plus one genus-level (Apodemus spp.) identification was made. Based on the sample, pellets were arranged into three groups: 1. Vízvár area, 2. Berzence area, 3. Gyékényes area, which enabled a comparative analyses of the three separate area-units along the upper region of Drava, among which the most diverse small mammal community was in the Gyékényes area.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QL Zoology / állattan
Depositing User: Bégányi Ilona
Date Deposited: 23 Sep 2021 10:22
Last Modified: 14 Jun 2022 07:04

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