Zadar, the Angevin Center of Kingdom of Croatia and Dalmatia

Gál, Judit (2022) Zadar, the Angevin Center of Kingdom of Croatia and Dalmatia. HUNGARIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW: NEW SERIES OF ACTA HISTORICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARIUM HUNGARICAE, 11 (3). pp. 570-590. ISSN 2063-8647


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When royal power started weakening in Hungary in the last third of the thirteenth century, the Hungarian royal authority in the Dalmatian towns also started to lose influence, and by the first third of the thirteenth century, most of the towns previously under Hungarian rule had become Venetian territories. The reoccupation of these towns and even more lands on the Eastern Adriatic coast could be connected to King Louis I of Hungary, who defeated Venice in 1358 in the war between Hungary and the Italian city state. This study focuses on the king’s exercise of power in Dalmatia, particularly the economic aspects of royal policy and the place of Zadar in this policy. My analysis also focuses on the formation of a Hungarian center in Dalmatia from the twelfth century and on how King Louis turned away from the policies of the previous kings of Hungary. My intention is to highlight the economic importance of Zadar, the process of the formation of an economic and trade center of Hungary, and also the formation of the Dalmatian elite, with a particular focus on the citizens of Zadar, who were in the closest circles of the Hungarian king. The focus will be also on the integration of the coastal territories into the mainland of Hungary under the reign of King Louis I.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: D History General and Old World / történelem > D3 Mediaeval History / középkor története
D History General and Old World / történelem > DN Middle Europe / Közép-Európa > DN1 Hungary / Magyarország
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2022 09:40
Last Modified: 21 Dec 2022 09:40

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