„A túlélő brigád”. A közös gyógyulás konceptualizálása a Covid19-járványt túlélt férfiak egy csoportjának elbeszélésében

Constantinovits, Milán and Vladár, Zsuzsa and Constantinovits, Miklós (2023) „A túlélő brigád”. A közös gyógyulás konceptualizálása a Covid19-járványt túlélt férfiak egy csoportjának elbeszélésében. ALKALMAZOTT NYELVTUDOMÁNY (1). pp. 52-75. ISSN 1587-1061 (nyomtatott), 2498-4442 (online)


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In the discourse about illness, the choice of metaphors affects not only our thinking but also our behaviour. Worldwide in the communication the Covid-19 was presented as PANDEMIC IS WAR. In our research we examined the narratives of male patients who were in the same ward in the COVID ICU of a Hungarian hospital and all recovered. Contrary to what we expected, the dominant metaphor in the narratives of the respondents was not the WAR but the COMMUNITY, because they were helping each other rather than fighting the illness. We also added interviews by two doctors who had treated these patients, adding to the patients’ narratives an other, external perspective. Our research question focused on the linguistic means used by the participants in their narratives to construct the metaphors of PATIENT, DOCTOR, ILLNESS and COMMUNITY. The interviews were analysed quantitatively using the Sketch Engine program and qualitatively using the life history analysis approach to psychotherapy (Berán & Unoka, 2016).

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Covid-19, patient interview, cognitive linguistics, Sketch Engine, cognitive metaphor theory
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > P0 Philology. Linguistics / filológia, nyelvészet
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2023 15:07
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2023 15:07

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