Optimization of notched tensile test specimen under plane strain condition

Meknassi, Raid Fekhreddine and Béres, Gábor József and Lukács, Zsolt (2022) Optimization of notched tensile test specimen under plane strain condition. MULTIDISZCIPLINÁRIS TUDOMÁNYOK: A MISKOLCI EGYETEM KÖZLEMÉNYE, 12 (3). pp. 117-126. ISSN 2062-9737 (nyomtatott), 2786-1465 (online)

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In the current paper, specimen notch geometries during plane strain tensile test for cold-rolled steel DC01 is studied and optimized using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and the desirability approach. The notch angle (X°), notch width (d), and notch length (c) were the main geometry parameters considered in this study. The effects of these parameters on the strain state were expressed by self-defined metrics, namely the Plane Strain State Index (PSSI) and the Homogeneity Index (HI) as well as those were analyzed by ANOVA analysis. The quadratic mathematical models obtained by the RSM presenting the evolution of the PSSI and the HI depending on (X°, d, and c) are presented. Optimization of the geometry parameters to achieve the optimal PSSI and better HI was carried out by a desirability function.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: plane strain tension, RSM, sample notch, ANOVA analysis
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > T2 Technology (General) / műszaki tudományok általában
T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery / gépészmérnöki tudományok
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 19 Apr 2023 07:42
Last Modified: 19 Apr 2023 07:42

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