Rippl-Rónai József, mint Munkácsy tanítvány : Egy Rippl-Rónai által festett Munkácsy kép = Rippl-Rónai József as a pupil of Munkácsy : A Munkácsy painting made by Rippl-Rónai

Horváth, János (2013) Rippl-Rónai József, mint Munkácsy tanítvány : Egy Rippl-Rónai által festett Munkácsy kép = Rippl-Rónai József as a pupil of Munkácsy : A Munkácsy painting made by Rippl-Rónai. A KAPOSVÁRI RIPPL-RÓNAI MÚZEUM KÖZLEMÉNYEI (1). pp. 305-314. ISSN 2064-1966 (print), 2631-0376 (online)

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It is open to doubt, whether some of the paintings in the works of Munkácsy Mihály belongs to the master or some of his pupils. The problem was brought to light by the critiques, following the Munkacsy exhibitions organized in the last 7-8 years throughout Hungary, including Kaposvar. Rippl-Rónai József was one among the wide range of pupils who worked for Munkacsy in Paris at the end of the 19th century. In his Memoirs he described a curious case about a reductive reproduction of his master’s painting, the “Two families”. The writer of the present study, also a Ripple Ronai researcher, identified this painting to be the one residing in the Munkacsy Mihaly Museum in Bekescsaba, called the Dogfamily. In the identification process the author has used another painting by Rippl-Rónai called “The interior of a room on the outskirt of Paris” as proof. It was painted approximately at the same time frame and in the same manner as the painting mentioned in Rippl-Rónai’s memoir. This is the first attempt to clarify the uncertainty around the originality of the paintings in the case of Munkacsy’s and RipplRónai’s painting.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Munkácsy Mihály, original work, pupils of Munkácsy , reproductions, Munkácsy exhibitions, Rippl-Rónai József, memoirs of Rippl-Rónai József in the Nyugat, Horváth János, identification, Molnos Péter, Munkácsy Mihály Museum in Békéscsaba
Subjects: N Fine Arts / képzőművészet > ND Painting / festészet
Depositing User: Bégányi Ilona
Date Deposited: 15 Jun 2023 13:18
Last Modified: 15 Jun 2023 13:18

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