Millennials, entrepreneurs and the Hungarian workplace of the future : the preliminary findings of a pilot study

Chandler, Nicholas Guy (2015) Millennials, entrepreneurs and the Hungarian workplace of the future : the preliminary findings of a pilot study. VEZETÉSTUDOMÁNY, 46 (11). pp. 15-24. ISSN 0133-0179


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Existing research into generational differences in Hungary was based primarily on adapting findings from studies undertaken in Western Countries. If we consider not only the comparative history and wealth but also the cultural differences between Hungary and the countries in which these studies took place, then the apparent adaptability is brought into question. This study aims to examine the nature of millennial students in Hungary by building up the characteristics from the ground up rather than adapting data from other countries. The findings of the pilot study indicate that the instrument is of suitable length and clarity, and that a printed format is the most likely to produce a high response rate, despite its disadvantages. The findings also confirm the results of previous studies concerning the preference of students in Hungary for a clan type of organisation. There are also initial indications that Hungarian millennials have a high potential for entrepreneurialism.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Millennials, Hungary, organisational culture, entrepreneurial
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HB Economic Theory / közgazdaságtudomány
H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HD Industries. Land use. Labor / ipar, földhasználat, munkaügy > HD3 Labor / munkaügy
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 20 Jun 2023 13:20
Last Modified: 20 Jun 2023 13:20

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