Az 1109. évi veszprémvölgyi ítéletlevél néhány alapkérdéséről = On Some Fundamental Questions related to the Judgement-Charter of the Monastery in the Veszprém Valley from the Year 1109

Holler, László (2012) Az 1109. évi veszprémvölgyi ítéletlevél néhány alapkérdéséről = On Some Fundamental Questions related to the Judgement-Charter of the Monastery in the Veszprém Valley from the Year 1109. MAGYAR NYELV : A MAGYAR NYELVTUDOMÁNYI TÁRSASÁG FOLYÓIRATA, 108 (1). pp. 51-72. ISSN 0025-0228 (nyomtatott); 1588-1210 (elektronikus)

2012 Az 1109. évi veszprémvölgyi ítéletlevél néhány alapkérdéséről.pdf - Published Version

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In a former study (MNy. 107: 276-98), the author has ascertained that the Greek diploma on the foundation of the Monastery in the Veszprém Valley is the earliest known text surviving from the Carpathian Basin written during the time of Hungarian rule and that it was probably issued around the year 980, even though the Diplomata Hungariae Antiquissima dated it to around 1018. This much earlier date of issue throws new light upon several fundamental questions related to a charter from the year 1109, enumerating the properties of the Monastery. The author analyses four important problems. He formulates both the legal reasons and legal goals that may have led to the issue of this 'judgement-charter' by comparing the differences of the properties of the Monastery listed in the Greek foundational diploma and the later charter. One of those reasons could have involved the right to collect decimation tax from the people of the Monastery. According to the author's explanation, the 1109 charter omits reference to the Archbishop's supremacy – contrary to the diploma of foundation — because the king's commissioner interpreted the reference to the Metropolitan authority in the Greek charter as it was valid at the time of foundation in the hierarchy of the Byzantine Church, but not in 1109 under the Roman Church governing at the time. The author explains why King Saint Stephen was mentioned as the founder of the Monastery, albeit it was in fact founded by his father, Dux Géza. Finally, the author gives his views on the real meaning of the charter's enigmatical reference to a certain auctor monasterii.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: veszprémvölgyi oklevél, 1109. évi ítéletlevél, Szent István magyar király, tarcali zsinat, érseki monostror, bizánci egyház Magyarországon, auctor monasterii; charter of the Monastery in the Veszprém Valley, judgement-charter of 1109, Saint Stephan of Hungary, the Synod of Tarcal, Metropolitan authority, Byzantine Church in Hungary, auctor monasterii
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CD Diplomatics. Archives. Seals / oklevéltan, levéltárak, pecséttan > CD922 Diplomatics / oklevéltan
D History General and Old World / történelem > D3 Mediaeval History / középkor története
Depositing User: LÁSZLÓ HOLLER
Date Deposited: 31 Jul 2023 07:53
Last Modified: 31 Jul 2023 07:53

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