A veszprémi görög rítusú monostor alapító- és adománylevelének datálásáról és további kérdéseiről : Megjegyzések Szentgyörgyi Rudolf tanulmányához = The Date of the Foundation and Donation Charter of the Greek Monastery of Veszprém and Its Other Aspects : Some Comments on Rudolf Szentgyörgyi’s Study

Holler, László (2013) A veszprémi görög rítusú monostor alapító- és adománylevelének datálásáról és további kérdéseiről : Megjegyzések Szentgyörgyi Rudolf tanulmányához = The Date of the Foundation and Donation Charter of the Greek Monastery of Veszprém and Its Other Aspects : Some Comments on Rudolf Szentgyörgyi’s Study. MAGYAR NYELV : A MAGYAR NYELVTUDOMÁNYI TÁRSASÁG FOLYÓIRATA, 109 (1). pp. 50-67. ISSN 0025-0228 (nyomtatott); 1588-1210 (elektronikus)

2013 A veszprémi görög rítusú monostor alapító- és adománylevelének datálásáról és további kérdéseiről.pdf - Published Version

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Rudolf Szentgyörgyi’s study (MNy. 108: 303–22, 385–99) reacts to László Holler’s two recent publications (MNy. 107: 276–98, 108: 51–72). In the present comments Holler emphasizes the importance of Szentgyörgyi’s most notable results, but concentrates primarily on the differences in their views. Holler clarifies his reasoning concerning the dating of the charter, and offers some new additional arguments in favour of foundation during Dux Geza’s reign, e.g. (1) the way the charter was sealed and the use of the Greek language suggests clearly that, at the time of the foundation, Greek was and would continue to be the official language of legal procedure in the future; (2) the interruption in copying the Greek original text, just at the point of the dating, and the fact that it was left out, suggests that it has been left out deliberately, as it would most likely cite a year within the time-span of Dux Géza’s reign. Besides other remarks Holler suggests that during the decade between 975 and 985 the Byzantine Church had successeded to build up the basic church system, even in the Transdanubian region, and this can explain why the foundation of the Veszprém Bishopric of the Latin Church is not documented: there was simply no need for a new foundation. According to Holler – who discussed it already in 1996 –, the royal title κράλ(ης) appearing in the first line of the 1109 copy was not part of the original charter, as this title did not exist at all at that time (Századok 1996: 952–4). In his view, κύριος πάσης Ούγγρίας, or ‘Lord of all Hungary’, would have been used instead in the original. Holler emphatically rejects the etymology of Slavic král, король, etc., which is derived from Charlemagne’s name, as it is proned to very significant phonological and chronological difficulties.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: veszprémvölgyi oklevél, veszprémi görög monostor alapítási ideje, legkorábbi magyarországi oklevél, bizánci egyház Magyarországon, Veszprémi Püspökség alapítása, Géza fejedelem, κράλ(ης) uralkodói cím, király uralkodói cím; charter of the Monastery in the Veszprém Valley, date of the foundation of the Greek Monastery in Veszprém, earliest charter issued in Hungary, Byzantine Church in Hungary, foundation of the Veszprém Episcopate, Dux Géza, Gr. κράλ(ης) as a ruler’s title, Hung. király as a ruler’s title
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CD Diplomatics. Archives. Seals / oklevéltan, levéltárak, pecséttan > CD922 Diplomatics / oklevéltan
D History General and Old World / történelem > D3 Mediaeval History / középkor története
Depositing User: LÁSZLÓ HOLLER
Date Deposited: 31 Jul 2023 08:10
Last Modified: 31 Jul 2023 08:10

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