Anonymus és a „senonok hegyei” meg az „aliminus népek” : Árpád-kori történeti szövegek fejlődési modelljének első közelítése = Anonymus, “montes senonum” and “populi alimini” : An evolution scheme of Arpadian-age historical texts

Holler, László (2009) Anonymus és a „senonok hegyei” meg az „aliminus népek” : Árpád-kori történeti szövegek fejlődési modelljének első közelítése = Anonymus, “montes senonum” and “populi alimini” : An evolution scheme of Arpadian-age historical texts. MAGYAR NYELV, 105 (4). pp. 431-449. ISSN 0025-0228 (nyomtatott), 1588-1210 (online)

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The author analyses a short section of a historical work written by Anonymus in the 13th century where the strange expressions quoted in the title occur. There are similar sections in other early historical works written in Hungary like the so-called Kézai-text, the text of the Illuminated Chronicle, the Chronica Hungarorum printed in Buda, as well as Thuróczy’s Chronica Hungarorum. The author describes the evolution of the five known versions by starting from some reconstructed verses of a hypothetical 10th-century chant, with some simple and natural modifications like insertion, excerption or rephrasing applied consecutively, and assuming certain copying errors and their plausible consequences as well. All these steps lead to the text variations known today, accounting for their evolution. According to this reconstruction, it is basically some simple copying errors that lie behind the very special expressions cited in the title. The method applied here is a more involved one than the analysis accomplished in the second part of the author’s former study (Magyar Nyelv 2008: 306–16). In that former case, the starting point was a nearly two-thousand-year-old surviving text, and the author was able to reconstruct the corresponding section in Anonymus’ work by a linear process. In the present case, however, the starting point is a hypothetical text, and all the known text variants correspond to endpoints of an evolution graph representing a branching process. The author’s arguments lead to a first approximation of an evolution scheme of the early historical texts written in Hungary.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Közlemény első része In: MAGYAR NYELV, 105 (3). pp. 300-324 (
Subjects: D History General and Old World / történelem > DN Middle Europe / Közép-Európa > DN1 Hungary / Magyarország
P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PA Classical philology / klasszika-filológia > PA20 Latin / latin filológia
Depositing User: Katalin Andódy
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2023 06:16
Last Modified: 04 Aug 2023 06:16

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