A Survey of the Variation of the Euchological Layer of the Latin Mass: A Synchronic Analysis and its Perspectives

Horváth, Balázs (2020) A Survey of the Variation of the Euchological Layer of the Latin Mass: A Synchronic Analysis and its Perspectives. In: Musica mediaeva liturgica III. Zborník príspevkov z muzikologickej konferencie konanej dňa 6. – 7. mája 2019. Verbum, publisher of the Catholic universtity in Ruzomberok, Ruzomberok, pp. 115-126. ISBN 9788056107706


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The so-called euchology or the layer of the Sacramentary within the Latin Mass consists of the most important and most ancient non-Biblical texts of the Latin Rite. During the 20th century, several significant studies, monographs and text editions of the earliest sources, especially the oldest Gregorian and Gelasian Sacramentaries were published. One of the common characteristics of these editions is, first, their genetic approach, i.e. their search for an “original” at the root of all later sources on the grounds of established methods of textual criticism which resulted in a predilection for the few earliest codices. Second, it seems to have been influenced by the centralised state of affairs of the modern age when liturgical matters were centred around Rome and its bureaucracy. Instead of focusing on the earliest surviving sources, we preferred to shift the scope of the research to the analysis of the euchological layer in its late and mature stage, as documented by late medieval printed diocesan Missals. These sources have several advantages: they can be surely identified; they witness a mainstream tradition of great impact; due to their several copies lost information can be easily substituted. Based on these sources, a synchronic analysis can be made regarding every single liturgical Use of the Western ecclesiastical territory of which trustable sources have survived. During the past few years, MTA–ELTE Momentum Research Group of Liturgical History proceeded the temporal cycles of about 180 Missals from almost every European diocese in a database called USUARIUM ( In this paper the results of our observations regarding the Mass orations are presented.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: euchology, orations, sacramentaries, missals, Roman Rite, liturgy, synchronic analysis
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BR Christianity / kereszténység
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 01 Sep 2023 06:36
Last Modified: 01 Sep 2023 06:36

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