Border, identity, everyday life. The Souh Slavs of Gara in state security documents (1945-1956)

Vukman, Péter (2023) Border, identity, everyday life. The Souh Slavs of Gara in state security documents (1945-1956). ÉTUDES SUR LA RÉGION MÉDITERRANÉENNE – MEDITERRÁN TANULMÁNYOK, 33 (Spec.). pp. 251-264. ISSN 0238-8308


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The Baja Triangle, also known as Northern Bácska, geographically roughly included the area between Baja (in Hungary), Subotica and Sombor (in Serbia). It has been a multiethnic region for centuries, inhabited by Hungarians, Germans, and South Slavs. The physical prox- imity of the border and its separating function had a fundamental impact on the daily lives of the Hungarians and South Slavs living here, especially after 1948, when, because of the escalation of the Soviet-Yugoslav conflict, Hungarian-Yugoslav relations also became frosty. In my paper, I will examine how the fluctuating Hungarian–Yugoslav relations following World War Two affected the South Slavs living there in connection with Gara, a multieth- nic village close to the Hungarian–Yugoslav border, how it affected their everyday life, their ideas about the border, their identity and their relationship with other nationalities.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Hungarian–Yugoslav relations, 1945–1956, South Slavic minorities in Hungary 1945–1956, state security and minorities, everyday life in Hungary in the 1940s and 1950s
Subjects: D History General and Old World / történelem > DN Middle Europe / Közép-Európa > DN1 Hungary / Magyarország
J Political Science / politológia > JC Political theory / politikaelmélet, államtudomány > JC312 Ethnic minorities / kisebbségkutatás, nemzetiségi kérdés
J Political Science / politológia > JZ International relations / nemzetközi kapcsolatok, világpolitika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 07 Sep 2023 12:01
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2023 12:01

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