Kísérlet Luther pedagógiai hatásának értelmezésére

Czeglédi, Sándor (2023) Kísérlet Luther pedagógiai hatásának értelmezésére. In: Hagyomány, Identitás, Történelem 2022. Reformáció Öröksége (10). Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Hittudományi Kar Egyháztörténeti Kutatóintézet, Budapest, pp. 439-452.


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The study follows the method of analysis in „An Attempt to Understand Calvin’s Impact upon the Field of Pedagogy”. A quantitative method was used to research the biblical verses selected from the most complete collection of Luther’s Complete Works and which Luther referred to at least five times. By this method, 19665 references were found. The Reformer most frequently refers to the Book of Psalms and Paul’s epistle to the Romans. Other prominent Old Testament references are from Genesis and Isaiah, while regarding New Testament references Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians, as well as the Gospels of Matthew and John can be mentioned. The vast majority of the verses quoted are about keeping God’s commandments, while a more limited number are about love and punishment. Concerning the Hymn of Love by Apostle Paul, Luther was the most influenced by his exhortation to patience towards men; the Hymn of Love in John’s Gospel is rarely referred to. According to the quotations, Luther was most influenced by the idea that children should be protected from harmful influences, even through punishment. Some texts by Luther support the analysis. A brief comparison between Luther’s and Calvin’s views is made on the moral lessons that can be drawn from biblical quotations. Finally, it can be stated that some of the 20th and 21st century authors project Schleiermacher’s love-centred theory of education back onto Luther.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: Luther, Martin; LOVE; quantitative method; Augustine; history of pedagogy;
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BR Christianity / kereszténység > BR140-1510 History / egyháztörténet
L Education / oktatás > L1 Education (General) / oktatás általában
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 08 Nov 2023 10:53
Last Modified: 08 Nov 2023 10:53

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