"Keservesen panaszolkodni kénszeríttetünk..." (A pápai reformátusok küzdelmei a szabad vallásgyakorlatért a XVIII. század elején) = The Struggle of the Reformed Believers in Pápa for the Free Practice of Religion at the Beginning of the 18th Century

Köblös, József (2006) "Keservesen panaszolkodni kénszeríttetünk..." (A pápai reformátusok küzdelmei a szabad vallásgyakorlatért a XVIII. század elején) = The Struggle of the Reformed Believers in Pápa for the Free Practice of Religion at the Beginning of the 18th Century. ACTA PAPENSIA : A PÁPAI REFORMÁTUS GYŰJTEMÉNYEK KÖZLEMÉNYEI, 6 (1-4). pp. 1-94. ISSN 1587-6292


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In the former issues of our periodical we published the documents of the official correspondence that presented the desperate struggles of the reformed believers of Pápa for their freedom to practice their religion. But who were the leaders of this war fought with the pen on behalf of the local church? What sources and means did they use to establish their arguments? How was the system of arguments developed as the occur the final versions of their petitions? It is these questions that the essay tries to answer. The nobility in Pápa had a close, welthier upper circle. István Kenessey was one of the most characteristic figures of this set of people from the 1710s. The continuity among the leaders did not stop throughout the 18th Century. In defence of the reformed case the torch was always passed on to a lawyer related to the family of Bishop Jakab Torkos. After his death and even in the last years of his life, Kenessey was succeeded by Pál Csuzi Cseh and Imre Soós both of whom gained distinction in managing the situation after the royal decree in 1752 and maintaining the status quo during the Adásztevel period. From the beginning of the 1750s they let Gergely Sándor join in, whose responsibility, after their deaths, was to manage the established situation. At the same time János Eőry appeared, who first helped Gergely Sándor, but after the Edict of Tolerance he was the one who formulated the legal frame for the activity of the local church that was free again. As for the question relative to the sources and means of the war fought with the pen is concerned, we tried to set up a catalogue of a virtual library that might have been used in pursuit of the reformed case when formulating arguments. In this part of our essay we give account of books and manuscripts available in our arhcives and library that could have been part of that virtual library. We, of course, publish the name of the original owner and the accession number as well. Some of these documents could have been and one of them must have been used by István Kenessey. As far as the third question is concerned, how the final structure of arguments was developed in the final version, we publish the texts occuring during the process of applications. In the attachment the reader can find drafts, letters of comission, pieces of correspondence between representatives of the church and agents at the administration, and receits from the agents.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BR Christianity / kereszténység > BR140-1510 History / egyháztörténet
D History General and Old World / történelem > D4 Modern History / új- és legújabb kor története
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 02 May 2024 17:47
Last Modified: 02 May 2024 17:47

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