Tomić, Draženko (2023) Bioetički prilozi Glasnika HKLD-a na temu zlostavljanja djece i mladih. DANUBIUS NOSTER: AZ EÖTVÖS JÓZSEF FŐISKOLA TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA, 11 (2). pp. 183-198. ISSN 2064-1060
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U ovom istraživanju ukazano je na 30-tak članaka i izvještaja o problematici zlostavljanja djece i mladih kao i njihovim psihičkim poteškoćama objavljenih u časopisu liječničkog strukovnog udruženja Glasnik Hrvatskog katoličkog liječničkog društva (1991.–2021.). Upozoreno je na činjenicu da se zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje djece može dogoditi u svakoj obitelji i instituciji, da ovisi o socioekonomskim, psihološkim, običajnim, religijskim i drugim čimbenicima. Zlostavljanje je prisutno i kao vršnjačko nasilje (bullying). Inzistira se na razvijanju svijesti o nužnosti provođenja preventivnih radnji, edukaciji djece i mladih, roditelja i obitelji, zatim na permanentnoj edukaciji stručnjaka, posebno medicinskih djelatnika. Pisano je i o psihološkim poteškoćama djece i mladih, ponajprije o njihovoj depresiji i suicidalnosti. Popraćeni su somatski, psihički, emocionalni i socijalni simptomi. Posebno je ukazano na problem neusklađenosti odnosa supružnika i negativne posljedice roditeljskih emotivnih kriza koje nerijetko imaju za posljedicu zanemarivanje djece a moguće i njegove psihičke poteškoće. | In this research study, the author point out to about 30 articles and reports published in the journal of the medical professional association called Journal Of The Croatian Catholic Medical Society (1991–2021) dealing with the issue of abuse of children and about of young people as well as their psychological difficulties. It is noted that abuse and neglect of children can happen in any family and institution, that it depends on socioeconomic, psychological, customary, religious and other factors. Abuse is also present as peer violence (bullying). The author emphasises the importance of developing awareness of the necessity of carrying out preventive actions, education of children and young people, parents and families, as well as the permanent education of experts, especially medical workers. The paper also writes about the psychological difficulties of children and young people, primarily about their depression and suicidality, accompanied by somatic, psychological, emotional and social symptoms. In particular, the paper points out the problem of lack of harmony (synchronicity) between spouses and the negative consequences of parental emotional crises, which often result in the neglect of children and possibly their psychological difficulties.
Item Type: | Article |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | bioetika; Glasnik HKLD-a; nasilje nad djecom; psihički problemi kod djece; zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje djece | bioetica, abuse by children, psychological difficulties by children |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BF Psychology / lélektan R Medicine / orvostudomány > RJ Pediatrics / gyermekgyógyászat > RJ101 Child Health. Child health services / gyermekvédelem |
Depositing User: | Melinda Danyi |
Date Deposited: | 06 May 2024 11:48 |
Last Modified: | 06 May 2024 11:48 |
URI: | |
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