Raus hasono, davenolás, Söma Jiszroél! : Kutatási kérdések a magyarországi zsidó religiolektus és a zsinagógai nyelvhasználat terén = Raus Hasono, Davenoling, Söma Jiszroél! : Findings on Religiolect and Language Use in Synangogues of Hungarian Jews

Bíró, Tamás (2024) Raus hasono, davenolás, Söma Jiszroél! : Kutatási kérdések a magyarországi zsidó religiolektus és a zsinagógai nyelvhasználat terén = Raus Hasono, Davenoling, Söma Jiszroél! : Findings on Religiolect and Language Use in Synangogues of Hungarian Jews. ALKALMAZOTT NYELVTUDOMÁNY (KSZ1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1587-1061 (nyomtatott); 2498-4442 (elektronikus)


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At the intersection of religious studies and sociolinguistics, fascinating are the linguistic aspects of religious phenomena: texts, rituals, institutions, sacred spaces etc. The geographic, socio-economic and chronological variables of variationist linguistics are complemented by factors in religious studies. Focusing on Judaism in Hungary, a number of observations are made, and further research questions are formulated for future research. Is Judeo-Hungarian, a “distinctively Jewish linguistic repertoire” a religiolect, an ethnolect, or a culturolect, maybe an “antecessorolect”, or simply an “identitolect”? How homogenous is it? Not so much aiming at Jewry, a speech community, but rather on the Jewishness of the words, we argue for a spectrum of the words of Hebrew origin. Additionally, we also analyse a 1914 inscription on a parokhet in Hungarian with Hebrew letters, as well as a 19th century parody of contemporaneous Magyarizing Jews, asking if parodies shed light on the linguistic skills of the Jews transitioning from German and Yiddish to Hungarian. Finally, the various pronunciations of Hebrew words, and Hebrew usage in synagogues are argued to reflect the socio-history of the Jews in Hungary, but they have also served as identity markers.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: sociolinguistics, Jewish religiolect, Hungarian language, Judaism, ethnolinguistic repertoire
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > P0 Philology. Linguistics / filológia, nyelvészet > P40 Sociolinguistics / szociolingvisztika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 14 May 2024 06:07
Last Modified: 14 May 2024 06:07

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