Journalism and the Acceleration of Time: Mátyás Rát’s Editorial Practice and the Magyar Hírmondó

Lengyel, Réka (2024) Journalism and the Acceleration of Time: Mátyás Rát’s Editorial Practice and the Magyar Hírmondó. In: Zeit und Zeitgeschehen in der periodischen Presse des 17.–19. Jahrhunderts. Peter Lang, Berlin - Bruxelles - Chennai - Lausanne - New York - Oxford, pp. 213-229.

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In the second half of the eighteenth century, the multiethnic community of the citizens of Bratislava was mainly informed about local news and world events by the domestic and foreign German-language press. When Mátyás Rát (1749–1810) launched the first Hungarian-language newspaper in 1780, he wanted to satisfy the needs not only of the local Hungarians, but also of the entire Hungarian community living in the Habsburg Monarchy. In the Magyar Hírmondó [Hungarian Courier or Herald], he published the latest news and reports on current events from the country and around the world, as well as included a number of articles on scientific or cultural topics. This rich material allows to raise questions which are relevant for the general theme of the edited volume. How was Rát’s editorial practice related to time, as regards the different meanings of the term? How was he able to manage the time he had as an editor for producing two issues a week? How did he present the time period that he lived in, and how did he perceive historical time? Analysing the contents published in the Magyar Hírmondó in 1780, the following contribution will explore how the different types of materials published in the newspaper were connected to the different dimensions of time, and in how far the newspaper met the requirements of actuality and contemporaneity (Dooley, 2010). Focusing on some remarkable articles, I also present the editorial practice of Mátyás Rát, the methods he used for gathering the news from various sources and for controlling their authenticity and accuracy

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CB History of civilization / művelődéstörténet
D History General and Old World / történelem > DN Middle Europe / Közép-Európa > DN1 Hungary / Magyarország
P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PH Finno-Ugrian, Basque languages and literatures / finnugor és baszk nyelvek és irodalom > PH04 Hungarian language and literature / magyar nyelv és irodalom
Depositing User: Dr Réka Lengyel
Date Deposited: 03 Jun 2024 08:47
Last Modified: 03 Jun 2024 08:47

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