Rudolph Gwalther prédikációi Magyarsáros és Ádámos unitárius szószékén = Rudolph Gwalther’s Sermons in the Unitarian Pulpits of Magyarsáros and Ádámos

Ősz, Sándor Előd (2022) Rudolph Gwalther prédikációi Magyarsáros és Ádámos unitárius szószékén = Rudolph Gwalther’s Sermons in the Unitarian Pulpits of Magyarsáros and Ádámos. KERESZTÉNY MAGVETŐ, 128. (2). pp. 163-181. ISSN 1222-8370


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Until the 1948 nationalization by the Romanian Communist government, the Unitarian College of Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) preserved three commentaries of the Zurich reformer, Rudolph Gwalther (1519–1586) (In divi Pauli apostoli epsitolas omnes homiliarum archetypi, 1589; In d. Pauli apostoli epistolam ad Galatas homiliæ, 1581; In Iohannis apostoli et evangalistæ epistolam canonicam homiliæ, 1589). Th e three works were bound together in 1596 in a South German bindery. It may have been a gift of György Károlyi S., the minister of Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mures) (1587–?). In 1694, it was given to the Unitarian minister Sámuel Pesthi (?–1717) in Magyarsáros (Deleni). Pesthi studied at the Unitarian College in Kolozsvár, was rector of the Unitarian school in Torda (Turda) from 1691 to 1693, and later the minister of Magyarsáros (1639–1715) and Ádámos (Adămuș) (1715–1717). Pesthi used the sermon volume intensively. Alongside the nearly 500 printed sermons, there are marginal notes indicating where he used the text when editing a sermon, and next to 300 homilies he wrote down when he delivered the sermon. The marginal notes show his broad theological education: he was familiar with the works of Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575), Wolfgang Musculus (1497–1563), Heinrich Moller (1488–1524), David Chyträus (1530–1600), Johann Crell (1590–1633) and Etienne de Courcelles (1586-1659). He took the text of a third of the 300 sermons, 107 in all, from the Epistle to the Romans, but he preached on almost all the New Testament epistles – not only on Sunday mornings and aft ernoons, but also on Tuesdays and Fridays, on feast days and at funerals. A cross-section of Samuel Pesthi’s preaching ministry is presented in the table attached to this study. Th e dates of the sermons known from the text are arranged chronologically, the day of the week is marked, the text is indicated, and Pesthi’s other notes on the circumstances of his preaching are also indicated.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ádámos (Adămuș); Bullinger, Heinrich (1504–1575); Chyträus, David (1530–1600); Crell, Johann (1590–1633); de Courcelles, Etienne (1586–1659); Gwalther, Rudolph (1519–1586); In divi Pauli apostoli epsitolas omnes homiliarum archetypi (1589); In d. Pauli apostoli epistolam ad Galatas homiliæ (1581); In Iohannis apostoli et evangalistæ epistolam canonicam homiliæ (1589); Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca); Magyarsáros (Deleni); marginal notes; Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mures); Moller, Heinrich (1488–1524); Musculus, Wolfgang (1497–1563); nationalization (Romanian Communist); New Testament; Pesthi, Sámuel (?–1717); preaching habits; sermons; Torda (Turda); Unitarian College of Kolozsvár; Zürich
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BR Christianity / kereszténység > BR140-1510 History / egyháztörténet
D History General and Old World / történelem > D4 Modern History / új- és legújabb kor története
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 12 Jun 2024 08:01
Last Modified: 12 Jun 2024 08:01

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