Kovács, Gabriella (2023) Bevezetés a nyelvtanítás elméletébe és gyakorlatába = Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Language Teaching. Jegyzet . Scientia Kiadó, Kolozsvár. ISBN 978-606-975-086-5
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The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive insight into the basic theoretical and practical issues that are most essential for language teaching. Language learning and teaching is a dynamic process that connects cultures and opens doors to understanding the world. In this book, we enter the world of language teaching and examine its rich theoretical background and diverse practical approaches. In modern society, language skills contribute to a more effective communication between people and to the development of international relations. In this context, language teaching plays a key role, as anyone can learn new languages with its help, and thereby expand their horizons and increase their chances on the labour market. The theoretical foundations presented here allow us to better understand how language learning takes place, what factors influence it, and how we can create a teaching environment that supports effective knowledge transfer. Various language teaching methods, techniques and strategies are presented, with the help of which language teachers and students can more effectively overcome obstacles in the process of language learning. The book is recommended to university students majoring in translation and interpreting who are also interested in a language teaching career, but it can provide valuable guidance for anyone else interested in this topic.The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive insight into the basic theoretical and practical issues that are most essential for language teaching. Language learning and teaching is a dynamic process that connects cultures and opens doors to understanding the world. In this book, we enter the world of language teaching and examine its rich theoretical background and diverse practical approaches. In modern society, language skills contribute to a more effective communication between people and to the development of international relations. In this context, language teaching plays a key role, as anyone can learn new languages with its help, and thereby expand their horizons and increase their chances on the labour market. The theoretical foundations presented here allow us to better understand how language learning takes place, what factors influence it, and how we can create a teaching environment that supports effective knowledge transfer. Various language teaching methods, techniques and strategies are presented, with the help of which language teachers and students can more effectively overcome obstacles in the process of language learning. The book is recommended to university students majoring in translation and interpreting who are also interested in a language teaching career, but it can provide valuable guidance for anyone else interested in this topic. Scopul acestei cărţi este de a oferi o perspectivă cuprinzătoare asupra problemelor teoretice şi practice de bază care sunt cele mai esenţiale pentru predarea limbilor străine. Învăţarea şi predarea limbilor străine este un proces dinamic care conectează culturile şi deschide uşile către înţelegerea lumii. În această carte, intrăm în lumea predării limbilor străine şi îi examinăm bogatul fond teoretic şi diversele abordări practice. În societatea modernă, competenţele lingvistice contribuie la o comunicare mai eficientă între oameni şi la dezvoltarea relaţiilor internaţionale. În acest context, predarea limbilor străine joacă un rol esenţial, deoarece oricine poate învăţa noi limbi cu ajutorul acestuia, extinzând astfel orizonturile şi crescând şansele pe piaţa muncii. Fundamentele teoretice prezentate aici ne permit să înţelegem mai bine cum are loc învăţarea limbilor străine, ce factori o influenţează şi cum putem crea un mediu de predare care să sprijine transferul eficient de cunoştinţe. Sunt prezentate diverse metode, tehnici şi strategii de predare a limbilor străine, cu ajutorul cărora profesorii şi elevii de limbi străine pot depăşi mai eficient obstacolele din procesul de învăţare. Cartea este recomandată studenţilor cu specializare în traducere şi interpretare care sunt, de asemenea, interesaţi de cariera de profesori de limbi străine, dar poate oferi îndrumări valoroase pentru oricine interesat de această temă.
Item Type: | Book |
Additional Information: | Román nyelvű cím: Introducere în teoria şi practica predării limbilor străine |
Subjects: | L Education / oktatás > LB Theory and practice of education / oktatás elmélete és gyakorlata L Education / oktatás > LT Textbooks / tankönyvek |
Depositing User: | Beáta Szabó |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jun 2024 10:52 |
Last Modified: | 20 Jun 2024 10:52 |
URI: | https://real.mtak.hu/id/eprint/197980 |
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