Gaia Focused Product Release : Sources from Service Interface Function image analysis : Half a million new sources in omega Centauri

Weingrill, K. and Mints, A. and Castañeda, J. and Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z. and Davidson, M. and De Angeli, F. and Hernández, J. and Torra, F. and Ramos-Lerate, M. and Babusiaux, C. and Biermann, M. and Crowley, C. and Evans, D. W. and Lindegren, L. and Martín-Fleitas, J. M. and Palaversa, L. and Ruz Mieres, D. and Tisanić, K. and Brown, A. G. A. and Vallenari, A. and Prusti, T. and de Bruijne, J. H. J. and Arenou, F. and Barbier, A. and Creevey, O. L. and Ducourant, C. and Eyer, L. and Guerra, R. and Hutton, A. and Jordi, C. and Klioner, S. A. and Lammers, U. and Luri, X. and Mignard, F. and Randich, S. and Sartoretti, P. and Smiljanic, R. and Tanga, P. and Walton, N. A. and Bailer-Jones, C. A. L. and Bastian, U. and Cropper, M. and Drimmel, R. and Katz, D. and Soubiran, C. and van Leeuwen, F. and Audard, M. and Bakker, J. and Blomme, R. and Fabricius, C. and Fouesneau, M. and Frémat, Y. and Galluccio, L. and Guerrier, A. and Masana, E. and Messineo, R. and Nicolas, C. and Nienartowicz, K. and Pailler, F. and Panuzzo, P. and Riclet, F. and Roux, W. and Seabroke, G. M. and Sordo, R. and Thévenin, F. and Gracia-Abril, G. and Portell, J. and Teyssier, D. and Altmann, M. and Benson, K. and Berthier, J. and Burgess, P. W. and Busonero, D. and Busso, G. and Cánovas, H. and Carry, B. and Cheek, N. and Clementini, G. and Damerdji, Y. and de Teodoro, P. and Delchambre, L. and Dell’Oro, A. and Fraile Garcia, E. and Garabato, D. and García-Lario, P. and Garralda Torres, N. and Gavras, P. and Haigron, R. and Hambly, N. C. and Harrison, D. L. and Hatzidimitriou, D. and Hodgkin, S. T. and Holl, B. and Jamal, S. and Jordan, S. and Krone-Martins, A. and Lanzafame, A. C. and Löffler, W. and Lorca, A. and Marchal, O. and Marrese, P. M. and Moitinho, A. and Muinonen, K. and Nuñez Campos, M. and Oreshina-Slezak, I. and Osborne, P. and Pancino, E. and Pauwels, T. and Recio-Blanco, A. and Riello, M. and Rimoldini, L. and Robin, A. C. and Roegiers, T. and Sarro, L. M. and Schultheis, M. and Siopis, C. and Smith, M. and Sozzetti, A. and Utrilla, E. and van Leeuwen, M. and Abbas, U. and Ábrahám, P. and Abreu Aramburu, A. and Aerts, C. and Altavilla, G. and Álvarez, M. A. and Alves, J. and Anders, F. and Anderson, R. I. and Antoja, T. and Baines, D. and Baker, S. G. and Balog, Z. and Barache, C. and Barbato, D. and Barros, M. and Barstow, M. A. and Bartolomé, S. and Bashi, D. and Bauchet, N. and Baudeau, N. and Becciani, U. and Bedin, L. R. and Bellas-Velidis, I. and Bellazzini, M. and Beordo, W. and Berihuete, A. and Bernet, M. and Bertolotto, C. and Bertone, S. and Bianchi, L. and Binnenfeld, A. and Blazere, A. and Boch, T. and Bombrun, A. and Bouquillon, S. and Bragaglia, A. and Braine, J. and Bramante, L. and Breedt, E. and Bressan, A. and Brouillet, N. and Brugaletta, E. and Bucciarelli, B. and Butkevich, A. G. and Buzzi, R. and Caffau, E. and Cancelliere, R. and Cannizzo, S. and Cantat-Gaudin, T. and Carballo, R. and Carlucci, T. and Carnerero, M. I. and Carrasco, J. M. and Carretero, J. and Carton, S. and Casamiquela, L. and Castellani, M. and Castro-Ginard, A. and Cesare, V. and Charlot, P. and Chemin, L. and Chiaramida, V. and Chiavassa, A. and Chornay, N. and Collins, R. and Contursi, G. and Cooper, W. J. and Cornez, T. and Crosta, M. and Dafonte, C. and de Laverny, P. and De Luise, F. and De March, R. and de Souza, R. and de Torres, A. and del Peloso, E. F. and Delbo, M. and Delgado, A. and Dharmawardena, T. E. and Diakite, S. and Diener, C. and Distefano, E. and Dolding, C. and Dsilva, K. and Durán, J. and Enke, H. and Esquej, P. and Fabre, C. and Fabrizio, M. and Faigler, S. and Fatović, M. and Fedorets, G. and Fernández-Hernández, J. and Fernique, P. and Figueras, F. and Fournier, Y. and Fouron, C. and Gai, M. and Galinier, M. and Garcia-Gutierrez, A. and García-Torres, M. and Garofalo, A. and Gerlach, E. and Geyer, R. and Giacobbe, P. and Gilmore, G. and Girona, S. and Giuffrida, G. and Gomel, R. and Gomez, A. and González-Núñez, J. and González-Santamaría, I. and Gosset, E. and Granvik, M. and Gregori Barrera, V. and Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R. and Haywood, M. and Helmer, A. and Helmi, A. and Henares, K. and Hidalgo, S. L. and Hilger, T. and Hobbs, D. and Hottier, C. and Huckle, H. E. and Jabłońska, M. and Jansen, F. and Jiménez-Arranz, Ó. and Juaristi Campillo, J. and Khanna, S. and Kordopatis, G. and Kóspál, Á. and Kun, M. and Lambert, S. and Lanza, A. F. and Le Campion, J.-F. and Lebreton, Y. and Lebzelter, T. and Leccia, S. and Lecoeur-Taibi, I. and Lecoutre, G. and Liao, S. and Liberato, L. and Licata, E. and Lindstrøm, H. E. P. and Lister, T. A. and Livanou, E. and Lobel, A. and Loup, C. and Mahy, L. and Mann, R. G. and Manteiga, M. and Marchant, J. M. and Marconi, M. and Marín Pina, D. and Marinoni, S. and Marshall, D. J. and Martín Lozano, J. and Marton, G. and Mary, N. and Masip, A. and Massari, D. and Mastrobuono-Battisti, A. and Mazeh, T. and McMillan, P. J. and Meichsner, J. and Messina, S. and Michalik, D. and Millar, N. R. and Molina, D. and Molinaro, R. and Molnár, L. and Monari, G. and Monguió, M. and Montegriffo, P. and Montero, A. and Mor, R. and Mora, A. and Morbidelli, R. and Morel, T. and Morris, D. and Mowlavi, N. and Munoz, D. and Muraveva, T. and Murphy, C. P. and Musella, I. and Nagy, Z. and Nieto, S. and Noval, L. and Ogden, A. and Ordenovic, C. and Pagani, C. and Pagano, I. and Palicio, P. A. and Pallas-Quintela, L. and Panahi, A. and Panem, C. and Payne-Wardenaar, S. and Pegoraro, L. and Penttilä, A. and Pesciullesi, P. and Piersimoni, A. M. and Pinamonti, M. and Pineau, F.-X. and Plachy, E. and Plum, G. and Poggio, E. and Pourbaix, D. and Prša, A. and Pulone, L. and Racero, E. and Rainer, M. and Raiteri, C. M. and Ramos, P. and Ratajczak, M. and Re Fiorentin, P. and Regibo, S. and Reylé, C. and Ripepi, V. and Riva, A. and Rix, H.-W. and Rixon, G. and Robichon, N. and Robin, C. and Romero-Gómez, M. and Rowell, N. and Royer, F. and Rybicki, K. A. and Sadowski, G. and Sáez Núñez, A. and Sagristà Sellés, A. and Sahlmann, J. and Sanchez Gimenez, V. and Sanna, N. and Santoveña, R. and Sarasso, M. and Sarrate Riera, C. and Sciacca, E. and Segovia, J. C. and Ségransan, D. and Shahaf, S. and Siebert, A. and Siltala, L. and Slezak, E. and Smart, R. L. and Snaith, O. N. and Solano, E. and Solitro, F. and Souami, D. and Souchay, J. and Spina, L. and Spitoni, E. and Spoto, F. and Squillante, L. A. and Steele, I. A. and Steidelmüller, H. and Surdej, J. and Szabados, L. and Taris, F. and Taylor, M. B. and Teixeira, R. and Tolomei, L. and Torralba Elipe, G. and Trabucchi, M. and Tsantaki, M. and Ulla, A. and Unger, N. and Vanel, O. and Vecchiato, A. and Vicente, D. and Voutsinas, S. and Weiler, M. and Wyrzykowski, Ł. and Zhao, H. and Zorec, J. and Zwitter, T. and Balaguer-Núñez, L. and Leclerc, N. and Morgenthaler, S. and Robert, G. and Zucker, S. (2023) Gaia Focused Product Release : Sources from Service Interface Function image analysis : Half a million new sources in omega Centauri. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 680. No. A35. ISSN 0004-6361

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Context. Gaia’s readout window strategy is challenged by very dense fields in the sky. Therefore, in addition to standard Gaia observations, full Sky Mapper (SM) images were recorded for nine selected regions in the sky. A new software pipeline exploits these Service Interface Function (SIF) images of crowded fields (CFs), making use of the availability of the full two-dimensional (2D) information. This new pipeline produced half a million additional Gaia sources in the region of the omega Centauri (ω Cen) cluster, which are published with this Focused Product Release. We discuss the dedicated SIF CF data reduction pipeline, validate its data products, and introduce their Gaia archive table. Aims. Our aim is to improve the completeness of the Gaia source inventory in a very dense region in the sky, ω Cen. Methods. An adapted version of Gaia’s Source Detection and Image Parameter Determination software located sources in the 2D SIF CF images. These source detections were clustered and assigned to new SIF CF or existing Gaia sources by Gaia’s cross-match software. For the new sources, astrometry was calculated using the Astrometric Global Iterative Solution software, and photometry was obtained in the Gaia DR3 reference system. We validated the results by comparing them to the public Gaia DR3 catalogue and external Hubble Space Telescope data. Results. With this Focused Product Release, 526 587 new sources have been added to the Gaia catalogue in ω Cen. Apart from positions and brightnesses, the additional catalogue contains parallaxes and proper motions, but no meaningful colour information. While SIF CF source parameters generally have a lower precision than nominal Gaia sources, in the cluster centre they increase the depth of the combined catalogue by three magnitudes and improve the source density by a factor of ten. Conclusions. This first SIF CF data publication already adds great value to the Gaia catalogue. It demonstrates what to expect for the fourth Gaia catalogue, which will contain additional sources for all nine SIF CF regions.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: methods: data analysis – techniques: image processing – astronomical databases: miscellaneous – catalogs – astrometry
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QB Astronomy, Astrophysics / csillagászat, asztrofizika
Depositing User: Dr. Zsófia Nagy
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2024 13:07
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2024 13:07

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