East-West Asymmetry in the sunspot number distribution on the basis of different sunspots catalogues

Mező, G. and Baranyi, T. (2006) East-West Asymmetry in the sunspot number distribution on the basis of different sunspots catalogues. In: 4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Publications of the Astronomy Department of the Eötvös University (17). ELTE Sokszorosítóüzeme, Budapest, pp. 15-21.


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The east-west asymmetry of the number of sunspots has been analyzed on the basis of the Debrecen Photoheliographic Data (DPD), the single spots of Greenwich Photoheliographic Results (GPHR), and the Sunspot Feature Catalogue (SFC). The DPD and SFC do not show E-W asymmetry in the number distribution of the spots for the spots with area of greater than 20 millionth of the solar hemisphere (MSH). The GPHR shows large E-W asymmetry. Its rate is increasing from center to limb while the area of the affected spots is also increasing from 10 to 50 MSH. The East-West asymmetry of the number of spots can be detected for small spots (<20 MSH) in all the three catalogues but its rate depends on the studied catalogue.

Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information: PADEU Volume 17 4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics Edited by E. Forgács-Dajka
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QB Astronomy, Astrophysics / csillagászat, asztrofizika
Depositing User: Emese Kató
Date Deposited: 23 Sep 2024 13:46
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2024 17:22

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