The effect of pattern width on the properties and behavior of interfacially engineered composites with designed failure

Marton, G. Zs. and Szebényi, Gábor (2024) The effect of pattern width on the properties and behavior of interfacially engineered composites with designed failure. In: ECCM21 – 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, 02-05 July 2024, Nantes, France.

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Without increasing the reliability of composites, their broader use in safety-critical components might be limited by their unfavorable failure process, which is mainly based on the interaction of different damage mechanisms from different sources and often occurs at random locations and without any particular sign. In our research, we developed and investigated a method that can be suitable for controlling and designing the failure process of composites in terms of pre-determined location and mode of failure. For this purpose, we manufactured UD carbon-fiber/epoxy composite plates, which contained a locally weakened adhesion zone formed by polycaprolactone (PCL) thermoplastic interlayer material. The failure mode and location of the composite specimens were evaluated under uniaxial tensile loading. The results show that the application of PCL interlayer material enables the design of the failure process of polymer composites, and it does not influence their mechanical properties significantly.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords: interface engineering, designed failure, 3D printing, failure mode, interlayer material
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery / gépészmérnöki tudományok
Depositing User: Dr. Gábor Szebényi
Date Deposited: 25 Sep 2024 12:48
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2024 12:48

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