A „lázadó dák” : Petru Groza magyarság- és Erdély-képe az 1920-as évek végéig = The “Rebellious Dacian”. Petru Groza’s Image of Hungarians and Transylvania until the End of the 1920s

L. Balogh, Béni (2024) A „lázadó dák” : Petru Groza magyarság- és Erdély-képe az 1920-as évek végéig = The “Rebellious Dacian”. Petru Groza’s Image of Hungarians and Transylvania until the End of the 1920s. REGIO: KISEBBSÉG KULTÚRA POLITIKA TÁRSADALOM, 32 (3). pp. 48-74. ISSN 0865-557X

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Petru Groza took a well-thought-out, consistent and tolerant principled position towards the Hungarians in both minority and majority situations. In addition to the fact that he was well aware that Greater Romania can only be consolidated with a correct nationality policy, his tolerance can also be explained by his upbringing and his personality traits: the inclusive spirit of the Szászváros college, and the fact that directness and generosity were the cornerstones of his character. This is primarily why he was able to rise above the religious and racial prejudices characteristic of the age, and this is why he considered the Hungarians as equal partners.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: image of Hungarians, minority issue, nationality policy, HungarianRomanian reconciliation, Transylvanian regionalism
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HM Sociology / társadalomkutatás
J Political Science / politológia > JC Political theory / politikaelmélet, államtudomány > JC312 Ethnic minorities / kisebbségkutatás, nemzetiségi kérdés
J Political Science / politológia > JN Political institutions (Europe) / politikai intézmények, államigazgatás, Európa
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 11 Nov 2024 08:55
Last Modified: 11 Nov 2024 08:55

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