Is there a crown without a cross? Two models describing the duty of Christians in the world

Pásztori-Kupán, István (2015) Is there a crown without a cross? Two models describing the duty of Christians in the world. In: Langham Nemzetközi Konferencia, 2015. április 11–15., Berekfürdő, Magyarország. (Submitted)


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The year 1948 represented a crucial turning point within the international theological and social life. During the spring of this year Karl Barth visited Hungary for the second time, and in August the World Council of Churches became established. Both events had far-reaching results concerning the assessment of Barth’s post-war behaviour and attitude towards communism as well as concerning the role of Christians within the new era. In the spring of 1948 Barth had encountered a number of Hungarian theologians who could barely wake up from the horror of the Second World War whilst having to contemplate with an anxiety close to despair how the new warlords of communist dictatorship emerged and seized power in every Eastern European country. Barth’s message, which in essence was considered as an advice to Hungarian church leaders to make some crucial compromises with the communists, was not appreciated positively by Hungarian theologians. Within a wider international perspective, the assessment of the Swiss theologian’s post-war attitude becomes increasingly problematic. The first signs of this became obvious at the First Assembly of the WCC in Amsterdam already, where the two groups – labelled inaccurately as being ‘continental’ and ‘Anglo-Saxon’ respectively – discovered the fundamental difference between their understanding of the role of Christians within the world in desperate need for physical, spiritual and moral reconstruction. The North-American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr in his article entitled ‘We are men and not God’, published in the 27 October 1948 edition of The Christian Century, clarified the differences between the two positions and their various nuances. The present paper on the one hand attempts to assess Barth’s influence upon post-war Hungarian Reformed theological and socio-political thinking, whilst on the other hand draws a parallel between the churches’ situation after the Second World War and after the fall of Communism in 1989 respectively, showing that at present we could take heed of some of Niebuhr’s old, yet unfollowed advices.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Lecture)
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BJ Ethics / erkölcstan > BJ2 Social ethics / szociáletika
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BT Doctrinal Theology / dogmatika
Depositing User: Dr. Habil. István Pásztori-Kupán
Date Deposited: 28 Sep 2015 07:24
Last Modified: 28 Sep 2015 07:24

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