What are you afraid of? The construction of meaning in X-(o)phobie lexemes

Lasserre, Marine (2015) What are you afraid of? The construction of meaning in X-(o)phobie lexemes. Acta Linguistica Hungarica, 62 (4). pp. 477-495. ISSN 1216-8076


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French neoclassical compounds X-(o)phobie display two distinct meanings : ‘fear’ and ‘hostility’. In order to determine which meaning is involved in a given complex word, X-(o)phobie lexemes are studied according to the contexts they are used in. In fact, in a non-compositional analysis, complex words cannot be studied in isolation since they construct their meaning whenever they are employed. The distributional hypothesis offers a new way to examine the semantics of complex words. Two methods make it possible to investigate the variation of meanings in X-(o)phobie lexemes. Moreover, the use of Google data enables an analysis of the construction of neologisms meaning.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > P0 Philology. Linguistics / filológia, nyelvészet
Depositing User: László Sallai-Tóth
Date Deposited: 05 Jul 2016 10:21
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2017 00:15

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