Káposzta, József and Honvári, Patrícia (2019) A smart falu koncepciójának főbb összefüggései és kapcsolódása a hazai vidékgazdaság fejlesztési stratégiájához = The concept of smart villages and a rural home development strategy. Tér és Társadalom, 33 (1). pp. 83-97. ISSN 2062-9923 (online); 0237-7683 (print)
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A smart települések fogalma, értelmezési kérdésköre már több mint tíz éve intenzív viták tárgyát képezi szakmai és kutatói körökben. A smart városok fejlesztései nem vihetők át a smart vidékgazdaságba, de vannak olyan digitális megoldások, melyek jelentősen javíthatják a vidéki lakosság jóllétét. Ennek talán legmeghatározóbb tényezője a lakosság humán tőkéjének fejlesztése. Napjainkban a vidékgazdaság fejlesztésében az agrárfejlesztések mellett egyre több olyan smart megoldás is szerepet kap, amelyek az endogén források fejlesztésével javítják a jólét helyi rendszerét, így segítik a fenntartható fejlődés megvalósulását. Tanulmányunkban áttekintjük a smart városok fejlődésének és a smart vidék fejlesztésének kapcsolódását, a vidékfejlesztési stratégiákkal alkotott rendszert. For many, rural areas are simply considered the place for agricultural activities and food production. However, rural spaces perform much wider functions: they are residence, place of employment and living space for many families. Rural areas provide workplaces, basic amenities and public services. The digital innovation of the last decades led to such economic and social changes that ‘smart settlement’ strategies became necessary. Since then, the interpretation of smart settlements (covering both cities and villages) has been discussed among professionals and researchers. Several international and now also national theories and concepts have been formulated, but their viability depends on how the resulting projects, when implemented, improve the living conditions of the population and how they can enhance local well-being. These concepts agree on one point: that all investments hinge on the cooperation and attitude of the actors involved. Therefore, one of the most important, even decisive, factors is human capital, the mental and emotional situation of the community concerned. The concept of smartness has also gained momentum and importance in the context of the EU’s rural development policy. In addition to agricultural developments, smart solutions are increasingly being promoted to enhance local well-being by improving endogenous resources and thus contributing to sustainable development. New economic functions are emerging that require a different education, employment and service strategy. First and foremost, however, intelligent rural development requires a coherent policy that is noticeably capable of promoting innovation, learning and knowledge in a rural environment. Recent experience suggests that both the integration of digital technologies into development strategies and the introduction of such innovations lead to an improvement in the quality of life, a higher standard of living and improved public services. At the same time, local resources are used more effectively and environmental impact is decreased. The complexity of the subject is unmistakably evident. As a consequence, it is virtually impossible to draw up a uniform rural development plan. Rather, the smart rural strategy must focus on the endogenous resources of the respective rural area and integrate intelligent technological solutions into smart rural development; it must be essentially geared to local conditions such as infrastructure, the business environment, human capital, economic and social capacities and other components of territorial capital. The focus of this study is the investigation of those strategies that, in addition to the Smart City concept, also deal with the system and the shaping of Smart Villages.
Item Type: | Article |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | vidékgazdaság, smart falu, digitalizáció, endogén források, humán tőke, vidéki jólét |
Subjects: | G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation / földrajz, antropológia, kikapcsolódás > GF Human ecology. Anthropogeography / gazdasági-társadalmi földrajz > GF1 Settlement geography / településföldrajz H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HD Industries. Land use. Labor / ipar, földhasználat, munkaügy > HD2 Land use / földhasználat > HD21 Regional economics / regionális gazdaság |
Depositing User: | György Váradi |
Date Deposited: | 28 Feb 2019 09:58 |
Last Modified: | 01 Jun 2019 23:15 |
URI: | http://real.mtak.hu/id/eprint/91647 |
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