Cerebellar antibodies in post-stroke sera of acute ischemic stroke patients

Atmaca, Murat Mert and Erdağ, Ece and Demir, Serkan and Yüceer, Hande and Atmaca, Melek Çolak and Küçükali, Cem İsmail and Kürtüncü, Murat and Tüzün, Erdem (2023) Cerebellar antibodies in post-stroke sera of acute ischemic stroke patients. IDEGGYOGYASZATI SZEMLE / CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, 76 (11-12). pp. 394-398. ISSN 0019-1442

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Background and purpose – Although serum anti-neuronal antibodies are found in acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients, it is not completely clear whether they are already present before the cerebrovascular event or emerge thereafter. Methods – Sera of 21 consecutive first- ever AIS patients were collected within the first day of AIS (baseline), as well as 1 and 6 months after AIS. Well-characterized and novel anti-neuronal antibodies were investi- gated by cell-based assays, immunoblotting and indirect immunohistochemistry. Results – None of the AIS sera collected at different time points showed well-char- acterized antibodies. In 7 patients, 1- and 6-month sera (but not baseline sera) showed IgG mostly reacting with soma and dendrites of cerebellar Purkinje cells. Antibody-positive patients did not differ in terms of clinical and etiological features. Conclusion – Our results provide evidence for the antibody-triggering action of AIS. Although anti-cerebellar antibodies are not associated with the severity of stroke, they may potentially contribute to chronic post- stroke complications and disability.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: stroke, ischemic stroke, antibody, cerebellar, autoimmunity
Subjects: R Medicine / orvostudomány > RC Internal medicine / belgyógyászat > RC0321 Neuroscience. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry / idegkórtan, neurológia, pszichiátria
Depositing User: Beátax xBavalicsné Kerekes
Date Deposited: 19 Jan 2024 09:39
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2024 00:16

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