Disproving the Peres conjecture by showing Bell nonlocality from bound entanglement.

Vértesi, Tamás and Brunner, N. (2014) Disproving the Peres conjecture by showing Bell nonlocality from bound entanglement. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 5. ISSN 2041-1723

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Quantum entanglement plays a central role in many areas of physics, from quantum information science to many-body systems. In order to grasp the essence of this phenomenon, it is fundamental to understand how different manifestations of entanglement relate to each other. In 1999, Peres conjectured that Bell nonlocality is equivalent to distillability of entanglement. The intuition of Peres was that the non-classicality of an entan- gled state, as witnessed via Bell inequality violation, implies that pure entanglement can be distilled from this state, hence making it useful for most quantum information protocols. Subsequently, the Peres conjecture was shown to hold true in several specific cases, and became a central open question in quantum information the- ory. Here we disprove the Peres conjecture by showing that an undistillable bipartite entangled state—a bound entangled state—can nevertheless violate a Bell inequality. This shows that Bell nonlocality implies neither en- tanglement distillability, nor non-positivity under partial transposition, thus clarifying the relation between three fundamental aspects of entanglement. Finally, our results lead to a novel application of bound entanglement for device-independent randomness certification.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 05 Mar 2024 11:12
Last Modified: 05 Mar 2024 11:12

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